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About KrispyK

  • Birthday 04/09/1999

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  1. idea: add passwords for houses you can pass to gangmembers and only gang members can use it
    so if you cant get online to give keys they can still gain access, should only add a few kb of data per house

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KrispyK


      something like like, but opposite. think how rust has a house key lock

    3. SPBojo


      3 minutes ago, RDyer216 said:

      Lets say me and Bojo are friends (I wish right :wub:)



      But yeah, after talking to Krisptard in ts what hes suggesting is that your gang members have the option to type in a code to access your house. Personally i dont see it happening and if it happens it would never be locked to gang members and to add some risk to it there would be a restriction on how many characters you could have in your code + restricted to numbers only. Aka 3 character limit which in return does more harm than good cuz id gladly camp some fools house and try EVERY combination there is. 

    4. monster


      till some libtard gives there friend the code and then the friend yoinks

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