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Everything posted by MrRonSwanson

  1. Expected me to hear them over a helicopter spooling down, lost a tempest device and 600k worth of diamonds because of it. Just a little irked that it happened. And I have everything maxed in audio all the time from playing APD. Can't really report it either. This has happened on 4 separate occasions now, shadow play has been acting up lately so I can't record at all. Probably just going to stick to APD for now tbh.
  2. This is a big issue I am coming across, constantly getting engaged without me knowing I am getting engaged so I just die. I cant hear a thing after like 5-6 meters, and I know its not a problem with my headset (Razer Man O'war.) Just a pissoff to get robbed and think it is RDM constantly because no one speaks loud enough, or they are too far away.
  3. I will do dirty things for money... Maybe not sweep a floor... Or maybe even pee with the toilet seat down. I even might drink right from the milk container... Is this dirty enough Olympus.
  4. Alberta born APD officer here. Calgary flames suck, Edmonton oilers suck, penguins are Meh, bruins suck, blackhawks suck, Toronto is godawful, Columbus is Meh.
  5. That feeling when you spend 300k on gear only to get the texture bug where you go from 60fps to 3 and die.....
  6. Ironic, first shroom run in my box truck vx were the ones who robbed my full load xD, regardless. moved on to a more safe option, Iron. Was doing iron for like 4 hours straight last night. Racked up like 2.5 mil
  7. Well to be blunt. How and where do I get a shrooming license, and once I acquire one... Where do I get them? Can't find a field or farm anywhere...
  8. Hey guys, MrRonSwanson here. Most if not all of you dont know me. Main reason, I logged on for the first time only a few hours ago. To start this off, let me just say Hi. I logged in and... I wasn't shot on site... Which was odd. Most Altis Life servers I join is just full of rdm, so right off the bat I was impressed. Considering this is an introduction, let me tell you some things about myself. My name is Conor, Currently I own my own web design business, I love it; definitely my passion. Went to college for it, in this economy it is very rare you see someone get into a career doing what they did in school. I will stop there though, dont want to get in to my full life story. Feel free to add me on steam: TheBiggestSausage Or Skype: conor.peters3 In closing, I look forward to getting to know the rest of the community and invest most of my free time to the server (#1 BTW) PS. Your bacon is now mine, all of it.
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