Hey guys, MrRonSwanson here. Most if not all of you dont know me. Main reason, I logged on for the first time only a few hours ago. To start this off, let me just say Hi.
I logged in and... I wasn't shot on site... Which was odd. Most Altis Life servers I join is just full of rdm, so right off the bat I was impressed. Considering this is an introduction, let me tell you some things about myself.
My name is Conor, Currently I own my own web design business, I love it; definitely my passion. Went to college for it, in this economy it is very rare you see someone get into a career doing what they did in school. I will stop there though, dont want to get in to my full life story.
Feel free to add me on steam: TheBiggestSausage
Or Skype: conor.peters3
In closing, I look forward to getting to know the rest of the community and invest most of my free time to the server (#1 BTW)
PS. Your bacon is now mine, all of it.