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About PePaPiG

  • Birthday 02/16/1997

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  1. this is why i carry
  2. just get good
  3. Am i the one who needs to step outside? https://gyazo.com/7895d67eeccd124c73f66782226ea669 https://gyazo.com/7b467daf02d2731f03b1b40d1ac0554c https://gyazo.com/7ac4f86bdfc01f5c66677bd352260576 get a life dawg
  4. Bro who do you think im trying to impress on a forum full of sweaty yes men the only reason im even responding is cuz i wanna live rent free in all yalls heads like i have been for the past 3 days hahaha keep replying cuz i know you want to big boy
  5. I’m really starting to think you can’t read. I said multiple times they robo copped me. I told them before I got restrained and tpd that I’d be fine with being lethaled. Then when I got there I asked to go to support but obviously when you have a power hungry admin in the channel with you probably telling kid to robo cop me and don’t listen then ya. That’s what happens y’all really think I’m pressed over this and I’m not I just found a bs flaw in y’all’s server and pointed it out. Tbh I didn’t wanna get caught cuz I wanted to go rdm more kids. No one takes this shit seriously
  6. Huh?
  7. There’s a difference between what I wrote and what you are reading, same with all of y’all. If someone can prove that they’re game crashed then why the hell should they instantly turn themselves in if they weren’t tased
  8. Uh yeah tf. I was asking to go to support to talk about it and they said no and started robo copping me I said aight then fuck y’all bye
  9. ya exactly so go play it. has nothing to do with you this is grown up talk
  10. and no i didnt flat out refuse to come to hq i said if anything yall could lethal me. but you straight didnt reply tped to me invisible restrained me and tped me to hq. then they started robo cop mode. so no im not sticking around for that lmao
  11. so being an admin you cant come up with something fair over all these years? sure back in the day thats what happened but set up some cars. restart from where the chase left off like theres so many ways than just "not my problem your game crashed due to technical difficulty straight to jail ya go" like tf figure some shit out restart the chase line up cars its 2022 yall mfs rather just send someone to jail on a rp server is beyond me it really depended for me, since i wasnt an admin back in the day i couldnt do anything about setting up a new chase but if it was possible id 100% been down. its 1 thing if someone disconnects on purpose but my game legit crashed watch the video its simple. keep saying "not my problem" and itll keep being shit tier.
  12. why are you so angry LOL is regal your bd or something? damn sorry!
  13. what a great message to send to the community!
  14. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/njXZjsY8NJJyG/d1337WNBy5QC?invite=cr-MSxFZTAsNjgyMzQ2NjUs this happened. 30 seconds later they catch the driver of the hunter. That’s not fair and square my guy. Not going to jail for 80 minutes cuz my game crashed fuck that literally that’s proof my fuckin game crashed Y’all never restrained me. The admin restrained me y’all didn’t even taze me did you watch the clip?
  15. yall would rather have me submit myself for 100k each to yall and not play the shit server than catch me normally and understand the game can crash LOL shit server fr glad i wont be back this is why yall are really mad tho. cant aim hahaha https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/njTWfkY0uoeWf/OdhJ3dl7f7CK?invite=cr-MSxNdWcsNjgyMzQ2NjUs
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