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Everything posted by ChupaGoat

  1. https://imgur.com/ZGLwpK2 let me know.
  2. Hey there! Lil Bean Realty here with another hot zone house. DP14 the capital of frogs. No other house like it. It is only a couple steps from the garage, for easy vehicle pulling. Fully furnished at 2,200 virtual space. Asking price is 4M best price you are gonna get for a house like this. No other house like it. https://imgur.com/gallery/74Fo3Kt https://imgur.com/gallery/bxVWz82
  3. https://imgur.com/7yr14PB https://imgur.com/duGusaP https://imgur.com/Ph5s3cl Price is now 4M up for grabs for realtor. - Lil Bean Realtor Services.
  4. Price changed to 5M
  5. SOLD.
  6. https://imgur.com/7yr14PB https://imgur.com/duGusaP https://imgur.com/Ph5s3cl 4 crater Heroin house. Great for gathering and storing heroin as well as selling quick. It is the perfect house in between field, pro, and dealer. Asking price is 6M or better offer.
  7. Yessir!!!! Not gonna lie, had not been playing Olympus in over 2 years dude to the boys getting split. We just recently got back into it and it feels like the good days. It is a shame about S2 and S3 but I feel with the only server and more people allowed it has brought the community closer no homo. #pocketadmins, #IamupnextCPL, #Nosuckingdick, #NOSIMPSALLOWED.
  8. Selling Abdera house 4 crater with a garage for 18M.
  9. A lot of people inactive. Its a good gang shed I dont wanna let it go but not enough people to make profits out of it. Im keeping it unless someone makes me an offer.
  10. Selling this beautiful shed near the beach. Great rocky mountain view and has the best view on the island over the Altis Ocean. But for real selling shed for 15M OBO to be released into the market. It is the 2nd best platinum shed on the server and is extremely close to rebel, cocaine pro, and warzone. It is good for regearing safely for cartel fighting without people roaching at Warzone rebel. https://gyazo.com/cd97241f11539d3953a406094c004c77 https://gyazo.com/071018350c67262543c1bfa27a1f77c9 https://gyazo.com/52717337e17f255620b4f17fb9fc3f33 If interested please send me a message If you don't want people to know who purchased the shed. AKA Rats,,,, Which we know the server has A LOT.
  11. LOL "Youre in Noble, Kill yourself!" That was the funniest part in the video.
  12. @MrAutoo Yo!!! I feel like your post had something to do with this lol
  13. https://gyazo.com/9c3190b686756ef0bcb2615f06c660da https://gyazo.com/3f717b4e140d6c423d6bbc5bebfc1b7e Selling DP 14 Gang Shed, good for Heroin and Frog proing. Extremely close to Frog pro and extremely close to Heroin gatherer so pick your poison. Its in the middle of the map and easy Heli landing for transporting goods. Cops rarely visit that area as well. Shed is also extremely close to BW and potentially could be used for Feds. Asking price of 15M to place it for sell on the market.
  14. Starting at 150k
  15. How much?
  16. How much? Do you have a garage?
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