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Pringle Mccringleberry

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Everything posted by Pringle Mccringleberry

  1. Fedot goes ham!
  2. I understand that but in every Topic about Olympus losing players MC comes up there just a gang trying to have fun like the rest of us
  3. I like Potatoes

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      When are we getting that potato farm!?

    2. DeathDingo


      I want mashed potatoes ....

  4. Okay from what i have seen the majority of people are blaming MC on the Population drop which to be honest makes me laugh it is no where near MC fault people are leaving you guys just think that cause theres not another big gang aroun.d But as someone suggested why dont you make a gang and try and fight MC for top gang try and recruit new people teach them the ropes. All this hating on MC has gotten old
  5. I say NO to going back to 1 server i personally enjoy my peace and quiet on server 2 when i play Cop though it does get boring since almost no one is on server 2
  6. I say Dev apps should be reopened
  7. ToeKnee u little trash be quiet so we can discuss the real issue here <3
  8. shhh enjoy it bubbaloo stare and marvel in her wonder
  9. If im playing cop and I see someone being disrespectful to a female saying there going to rape her etc... and she shoots the person ill pardon her. I dont know if i can do that but in my opinion its the right thing to do
  10. Im really glad this Topic was made were hitting all the points
  11. There should be a new event manager in jendraks absence.....
  12. They should add a Potato field and have it where you can make Vodka with the Potatoes

  13. Anyone messes with 3Rip they will feel the full force of My Potato gun
  14. When im Playing APD and someone txt the police saying there car broke down i always try and help them out. or if someone says there new to the server and was just robbed i try and give them some money (even though im poor as hell) in my opinion its the little things that make a big difference if someone is asking for help on sidechat help him/her out you see someone broken down on the side of the road try and repair there car I believe that Olympus can come back and have all 3 servers maxed out again.
  15. I think its all up to the admins hopefully they will listen to our wishes/concerns and something will be done
  16. i agree thomas and thats why i dont want to see olympus go down
  17. I just know something needs to happen i dont know what needs to be done but im pretty sure if we start doing some major updates with new features and a better economy we can get some people back
  18. yesterday in the middle of the day server 2 had only 8 people
  19. Fugi you couldnt have said it better we all have seen it the servers are dying i dont want to see olympus go down we need new features!
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