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Lemon Haze

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Everything posted by Lemon Haze

  1. I will do 2m
  2. Yeah I asked if you wanted to join ts to talk you said yes then never showed. Lino wouldnt even do a 20m bet against me and he has like 80m last I checked it was a fat bruh moment
  3. Change your name? How much??
  4. Bump cause no one wants to bet me
  5. Run while you still can
  6. Why are you so attractive
  7. noobmaster69
  8. You better fucking be That’s fucking it poop head
  9. you fool I haven't even seen the movie and I probably know more about than you tanks to reading comments on anything
  10. Sonic opened the fridge, and pulled out the bag of ham, some cheese, and tossed it on the nearby counter, then shut the door. He grabbed the loaf of bread, which was already sitting on the counter, and opened it. In less than a minute he had two ham and cheese sandwiches, and he smirked, and picked them up, taking a bit out of the sandwich in his right hand. He then though of knuckles, and he grinned, thinking of the echidna's muscular figure, which kind of turned Sonic on. He then sighed, knowing he couldn't let Knuckles know he was gay. He would probably start sleeping on the couch or something, which would make it worse. Sonic then began walking back to the room, figuring Knuckles would be agitated already. But when he walked in to the room, he was surprised to see Knuckles, the sheet down, and an erection in his underwear. Knuckles didn't notice at first however, that Sonic was at the door. "Knuckles?" Sonic asked. Knuckle's eyes widened, and he looked at the azure hedgehog, and quickly threw the blanket over, him, a cherry red blush reaching his cheeks. Maybe I wont have to hide my secret after all. Sonic thought, small fantasies speeding through his head. "S-Sonic! How long were you there?" Knuckles asked, in probably the most embarrassing tone Sonic had ever heard. The smirk reached Sonic's lips again, and he walked over, placing the sandwiches on the nightstand, sitting next to the Crimson echidna. "Long enough to see that your turned on by me." azure told crimson, that smirk still on his face. Knuckles then looked away, but then was surprised when Sonic grabbed the side of his head, and turned him around, planting a kiss on his lips. Knuckles then grabbed his hand, and pulled his head back, staring at Sonic, shocked. "Sonic?" Knuckles asked. "Why'd you-" Sonic then cut him off. "Oh shut it. You know you liked that." Sonic told him, adding a small chuckle to his statement. And he was right, as Knuckles felt his length get harder. His blush covered his entire muzzle, which was really beginning to turn Sonic on. Sonic then reached for crimson's boxer's and pulled them down, showing his hard, eight inch erection. "What are you doing?" Knuckles asked, not understanding why Sonic was doing this, but at the moment he could barely care. "Haven't you ever heard of friends with benefits?" Sonic asked. Azure then lowered his head, and licked the tip of the echidna's length, causing Knuckles to shiver with pleasure, having never had a feeling like it before. He knew this was wrong, but felt so...right. Knuckles let out a loud moan, when he felt his entire length enveloped by Sonic's mouth, who began then bobbing his head up and down the erection, going deeper every second. I-I cant believe he's doing this! But oh god, it feels great! Knuckles thought to himself, resting his hands on the back of the hedgehog's head, pushing it down slightly. "Ooh Sonic, don't stop!" Knuckles nearly shouted. The lust filled response spurred on Sonic, who quickened his pace, which only caused Knuckle's moans of pleasure get louder. Knuckles scooted closer to the edge of the bed, sliding his length bit deeper in Sonic's mouth. Sonic was now bobbing his head up and down the erection so fast, he was nearly a blur, causing knuckle's eyes to almost roll into the back of his head, and a small tense in his stomach. "Sonic! I-I'm cumming!" Knuckles shouted, his eyes widening. Knuckles then clenched his teeth slightly, as he shot his warm seed into Sonic's mouth. The crimson echidna then fell backwards onto the bed, his slightly labored pants filling the room. Azure then swallowed what was in his mouth, and crawled on top of knuckles, kissing him passionately. Knuckles didn't stop him this time either, in fact he was starting to enjoy this new feeling. Sonic then spoke again. "Hey Knuckles?" Sonic asked. "Yea Sonic?" Knuckles asked, wondering what he had to say. "Mind if we try something else?" azure asked, barely over a whisper. As Knuckles heavy breathing soon halted, he gave Sonic a subtle nod, and the hedgehog grinned pushing himself off the bed, pulling Knuckles to the side of the bed, making sure he was still on his back. He then pulled off his gloves, and spat on his hand, and rubbed it in a bit, and covered his member in the saliva coating his palm. Knuckles then almost freaked out again, because Sonic never told him he was going to fuck him. Knuckles tried to sit up, but Sonic slowly pushing him back down. "Calm down, I'll try my hardest not to make this painful." azure told him, adding a comforting smile to his words. Knuckles sighed. "Alright...I'll try." Knuckles muttered. Sonic then positioned his member behind the echidna's ass, and looked at him, making sure he was relaxed. "Alright, are you ready?" Sonic asked. "Yea.." Knuckles answered. Sonic then slid his length into Knuckles, going slowly trying not to hurt him. But even though he tried, it barely worked, because Knuckles clenched his eyes shut, groaning in pain. "Dammit that hurts!" he shouted. Sonic sighed, and stopped when he said that, about three half's of the way in. "I'll just wait until your ready." Sonic told him, and Knuckles nodded thankfully, trying to get used to the uncomfortableness. After a minute or two, Knuckles got used to the feeling, and motioned for Sonic to start again. Sonic then slowly slid all the way in, and back out, repeating it several time's while the crimson echidna moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Soon enough the pain subsided, leaving the pleasure all to knuckles, which he thoroughly began to enjoy, as his moans became louder. "Want me to go faster?" Sonic asked. "Yes!" Knuckles moaned. Azure happily obliged, going even faster, Causing the echidna's hips to buck forwards every time he slid back in. Sonic kept on going, looking for something deep inside him, and soon, he found it. As Sonic rammed his member deeper, Knuckles suddenly screamed out in ecstasy, causing the blue hedgehog to break out into a smile, speeding up. making Knuckle's screams of pleasure become louder, and happen more frequently. "Ooh, yes!" Sonic shouted, his mind almost a blur due to the pleasure of ramming his length into Knuckles over, and over again. After a minute or two, Sonic felt his stomach tighten, and a small tingle move up his erection. He then blew his load in deep inside Knuckle's, who moaned loudly as he felt the warm essence enter him. After ramming into Knuckles hips a few more times afterwords, azure collapsed on crimson, breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath again. A period of silence followed, the only sounds in the air were the breathing of the two males on the bed staring into each others eyes. Slowly Sonic rolled off of crimson, and back onto the bed. Knuckles then sat up, and glanced at sonic, who was now asleep on the bed, and smiled, laying down next to him. He then pulled the kitten over the two, and laid his head back, and closed his eyes, letting sleep claim his body.
  11. im heated right now
  12. If I cant watch umizoomi anymore I think I would actually go insane so all refrain from calling you a poop head. You wet piece of bread headface
  13. I dont small brain im just impressed poop head
  14. "My name bob I have 100mx tasers" bruh thats like 15m worth of just mx tasers
  15. Im simply astonished.
  16. This entire video is just one big bruh moment
  17. Kyle has like a picture of Carl from jimmy neutron so he is very cool cause I loved that show
  18. Oh hello tayte didn’t expect to see you here
  19. uwu 50m frfr? I can confirm I lost 25m with him as middle man shit was rigged
  20. Didn’t make a new thread because of you btw so get that out of your small brain And no 50m is as low as I’ll go I’ve lost 40m in bets and buying stuff off of people these past weeks do I’m just going big or go home
  21. no. 57m is prob as high as I would go
  22. Already made this thread but this time I wasn't retarded and put how much I want to bet in the title. But uhh yeah middle man will have to be support team or more preferably a moderator/admin if you want to bet me ill be on s2 just message me in game whenever im on or pm me on forums.
  23. Not willing to do that cause that shit takes forever Just get @MAV I think ever since the incident he’ll be wearing a suicide vest so neither side gets the money
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