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Everything posted by omni219

  1. one of the randoms on the 50cal tried shooting my strider when i was there
  2. Africa becuase i had to think of a name real quick becuase i kept getting kicked from the server becuase my old name was racist.
  3. nvm dont want it
  4. 3 million
  5. 15 mill
  6. anything under 2 mill im fine with never gonna use this shit Sold to @Panera
  7. @Panera nah bro i got it for 3mill min 2.5mill
  8. selling unarmed BlackWater Strider https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/841461755410404394/332CC13CACA8131C48E7825173D416174EFE1CDC/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/841461755410398196/542EF985404DEE84B71A50CDCF80BBAAE4EDA373/ in game name-DB Africa bet in comments
  9. server 1 just blew up and he posting bout selling a house smh all the countless lives lost and you selling a house
  10. 100k for 2 full cop uniforms
  11. guns i think they should give rebels 1. CMR76 6.5 2. Spar16s 5.56 (drum mag)
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