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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. tells us to log, doesnt even own cap hahahahaha
  2. "career medic" hahahahahaha
  3. to pussy to log s1 to fight, stop talking thanks.
  4. prism always on bottom push og s1
  5. dude omg scammer thats my mar10 and dms!!!!
  6. selling armed huron 🤡

  7. monster


    helps a lot sometimes.
  8. selling mk18 tazer.

  9. I got an infinite amount I swear they're tazers.
  10. 3.5m for a mar10, ur actually on crack.
  11. congrats @Zahzi

    Just one more person to likely eventually perm me 😞

  12. https://gyazo.com/e2631f0400ccbb39898e32dfede8a2ac how does he kill me?

    (he was flag pole)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monks
    3. bdj


      cause ur dog

    4. Strae


      considering he put 20 bullets into the spot you were 2 seconds ago he prolly just switched you

  13. remove @ChillXs ability to downvote change my mind.

    1. Skys


      kid is actually in love with me like im a catfish over the internet i think the kid wants to have discord sex or something kinda weird 

  14. i think mason is right monks that event was awful.

  15. Ive played both sides and i can say for sure, cap > kavala
  16. mar10 isn't mine its @LiL Killas he jsut wants me to sell it for him sowwy
  17. ? if you're referring to the one i got permed with, that one was sold w/ the dms and has been safely sitting in a house ever since.
  18. you never answered @Skys question..
  19. Already agreed to sell @Y A Y O the RPG so its only the mar10 left.
  20. offer (not selling rpg and missles separately)
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