Due to streaming becoming more full time, and I currently do not stream Arma 3 in general, I will be taking a long break. Liquidating all my assets. Feel free to offer on anything!
For sale:
---Civilian Gear / Guns---
(1) type 115
(4) Lvl 5 vest (variant colors, ask for specifics)
(3) 6.5mm Supressor
(4) Titan
(1) ASP-1 Kir
(1) DMS
(1) mk14
--Cop Gear / Guns---
(4) Rangemaster Suit
(3) Lvl 5 vests
(1) type 115 taser
(1) Spar 16 taser
(2) Tactical vest
(1) NVG
(1) MAR-10 Taser
(1) Spar-16s taser
(1) msm taser
(Server 1 & 2 ) Kavala PD house 4 crater http://prntscr.com/l3t3g4
(Server 2) Cocaine pro 2 crater [can see £ of players at pro] http://prntscr.com/l3t3n7
(Server 2) Gun store Kavala house http://prntscr.com/l3t3wi
(Server 2) Abdera : Meth house http://prntscr.com/l3t42x
Cocaine Pro Gang Shed - 350m from pro (to market, available for anyone until purchased)
Thermal NVGs
I have other shit like lvl 3 vest, random rebel clothing nvgs helmets ect but not gonna itemize all that. Please post legit offers.