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OC | Christian

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Everything posted by OC | Christian

  1. what has happend to envgs in the like 6 months i was gone lol before that i had the only pair and sold it for 40m to kyle lake lol
  2. how did you come across the envgs? I had the only pair and sold them for 40m like 6 months ago lol so just curious
  3. mar 10 taser offer
  4. WHAAT OH MY FUCK NOW I FEEL BAD oh and since that was the only pair on the server nobody else will have the same issue LOL
  5. offer
  6. 2 mags but you can buy more in war point shop (i think) and make an offer
  7. @KermieJR twitch / twitter
  8. offer offer
  9. 2 5.5 for both mxm
  10. which one, cop (black) or one of the old civ ones? And offer
  11. A+ Medic setup now tho
  12. no can do sad face
  13. Due to streaming becoming more full time, and I currently do not stream Arma 3 in general, I will be taking a long break. Liquidating all my assets. Feel free to offer on anything! For sale: ---Civilian Gear / Guns--- (1) type 115 (4) Lvl 5 vest (variant colors, ask for specifics) (3) 6.5mm Supressor (4) Titan (1) ASP-1 Kir (1) DMS (1) mk14 --Cop Gear / Guns--- (4) Rangemaster Suit (3) Lvl 5 vests (1) type 115 taser (1) Spar 16 taser (2) Tactical vest (1) NVG (1) MAR-10 Taser (1) Spar-16s taser (1) msm taser --Houses--- (Server 1 & 2 ) Kavala PD house 4 crater http://prntscr.com/l3t3g4 (Server 2) Cocaine pro 2 crater [can see £ of players at pro] http://prntscr.com/l3t3n7 (Server 2) Gun store Kavala house http://prntscr.com/l3t3wi (Server 2) Abdera : Meth house http://prntscr.com/l3t42x Sold: Cocaine Pro Gang Shed - 350m from pro (to market, available for anyone until purchased) Thermal NVGs I have other shit like lvl 3 vest, random rebel clothing nvgs helmets ect but not gonna itemize all that. Please post legit offers.
  14. Sold. 35 mill @Kyle Lake take care of them
  15. i have a mar 10 taser, how much you payin
  16. lmao or im just really into setup builds and was curious if anyone else was... Sorry for trying to engage the community
  17. ill buy 4 750k each
  18. just lookin for offers rn, then ill gauge how much i feel i should try and get for it, hard to price a 1 of a kind item haha
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