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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. i have been scammed before and I have been told that it isnt bannable, but ive also seen people say it is. i looked in the rules and couldnt find anything. anyone know for sure?
  2. how much you selling both the house and garage for?
  3. looking to buy a moonshine house
  4. ill buy one
  5. i dont really know what they go for so make an offer
  6. how much for the black vest, combat fatigues and helm
  7. 700m from air garage, rebel and gas station. 2 crater, prime real estate. 1.5km from corn field
  8. how much for mx tazer and like 15 mags
  9. how much
  10. i would prefer one in ether dp 23,24 or 25
  11. that’s way too much lol
  12. i got a 3 crater in sofia i’ll sell for 1m
  13. what does wtb stand for lol
  14. this still a thing
  15. offer below https://imgur.com/gallery/nEA1q
  16. can i see proof of the houses
  17. can you tell me who the owner is cuz ill give em 2mil for it
  18. how many crates can it hold and how far is it from pro
  19. https://imgur.com/gallery/VScgJ
  20. https://imgur.com/gallery/a4p3N
  21. how many crates are in the one closest to mushroom?
  22. This is a cocaine house about 700m from the proceser. It has 2 crates and up to 1500 storage. Make me offers
  23. This is a mushroom house in Sofia about 2.5 km away from the procceser. It has 2 crates and up to 1500 storage. Make me offers
  24. i am looking for a garage near cocaine pro, either in that town near it or anywhere within like 1km of it
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