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About (NCR)Edge

  • Birthday 07/28/1992

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  1. Well, Inviting another guy to her house is totally not right. If i did that with a girl my fiance would flip on me and If she did it to me the same would be expected because the feelings are mutual no matter the amount of the trust, that is not something you do. The only true way to keep a relationship usually is when your friends are all of the same sex and nothing more, only exceptions are usually lesbians or gay males which even then could bring about a issue with some couples. In reality it is rather hard to deal with it especially when you have been screwed over before it is hard to trust again, therefore you must find the common ground. Otherwise the relationship will not last or work, wearing another guys jacket is totally fucked up and that would piss me off to high hell cause i am protective of my girl, inviting her over would get the persons teeth broken. Sometimes that is exactly what the girl wants, she wants to see how seriously in love you are with her and will you go out of length to ensure she stays yours.
  2. Why you say that? if its for the murder I already reported it was self-defense
  3. Hello.
  4. Arma 3 Space Engineers Minecraft Borderlands 2 C & C Series The Escapists The Forest Farm Simulator 2013 From the Depths Recycle Insurgency Rust Just a small part of my list... Got too many steam games to really be able to say how many i actively play.
  5. Hey, just wanted to Introduce myself. My name is Joe, I am 22 years old and have recently adapted into Atlis Life, What a wonderful Mod to such a great game! I used to play on the Asylum Servers but my friend converted me over to here, those servers are far too constantly full making it impossible to enjoy with friends.
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