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  1. everything that i had got wiped too looking to stock back up so idc if they're civ or police anymore.
  2. wow it's almost like i didn't ask for any of that or something
  3. I'll pay any reasonable prices, especially in bulk. Police berets should be cheaper than civ berets just an FYI. ty love you <3
  4. A legitimate HQ takeover has been needed for a while as the most effective way to currently rescue anybody from police custody is by explosives or crossfire. Other ways involve exploiting through server mechanics, which really ruins the whole experience and gratification of rescuing somebody. I do think that the hostile takeover requirement should be lowered to 2 or 3 armed individuals because having sniper positions when assaulting a HQ is necessary, which will probably be what leads up to a takeover in the first place but having a majority of the attacking force in one location would make it too easy for a single 6.5 to rip through. Don't even get me started on a 7.62. The only way I can see things working out is if somebody can sneak in, starting the takeover and then the respawn timer gets extended for cops and then the rest of the attacking force makes their way in to solidify the takeover and inhibit respawns for a short time. I think we should also make hostage negotiations for rebels in police custody more of a thing as well.
  5. Verfying my game files seems to also fix the issue for a while (gotta remind myself to do it every couple of days), and that also fixed an issue I had where I would spawn with no attachments.
  6. it's trash but might as well play around with everything amiright
  7. I appreciate the advice, I'm assuming gif's and such can be proper evidence correct? Uploading a video each time could prove to be a pain.
  8. It was before that, and it happens pretty often though, even to environment deaths.
  9. Usually when I get revived with an epi I get back up without my gun, does anybody else have this issue? It's pretty costly. Example: https://gyazo.com/6e0dbee849882aa53586b0a857e6ed5c
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