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About SoSoSimple

  • Birthday 04/12/2001

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Science? lmao it was a simple question no need to get so triggered
  2. bro what? Not many hours = not new? Explain please
  3. Where's sea of thieves?
  4. You should sell some walnuts since you can't get a job. Walnuts going for $1 to $1.10 per pound Good luck finding them tho cuz I can't:/ Msg me for some buyers:)
  5. I guess chivalry is dead;/
  6. I hope you stub your toe and you cry about it
  7. lmao it's still up
  8. With the amount of gang sheds on the servers and how often I see them filled I feel like the servers will get some major lag if it tried to show a log for each and every gang shed. I also feel like this is a very useless thing to add if we compare the number of people who would actually look at the log compared to the people who won't look at the log, a unneeded thing to add in my opinion. Much love:)
  9. 2/10 worst kk member 

    1. Bocaj


      Didn't you just take a 5 day rdm ban?

    2. Lemon


      5 Day ban? Salty because he left you once more? Start calling my members bad when you start fighting us, we are going to come to server three just for you boy be ready bb ;) That sounded salty but rlly not I just found out you still main server 3 still... send my love to your boiz <3

    3. SoSoSimple


      Failed to talk trash 10/10

  10. Don't be mean
  11. 6
  12. I'm trying to figure out what I should Smoke and Where. Please Help Me.
  13. Smoking Big Doinks

    1. Not Mac

      Not Mac

      Big Doinks in Amish

    2. SoSoSimple


      Smokin Big Doinks In Amish

    3. jdawg2250


      amish doink big smokin in amish

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