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Everything posted by Gaetano

  1. 2/10 worst kk member 

    1. Bocaj


      Didn't you just take a 5 day rdm ban?

    2. Lemon


      5 Day ban? Salty because he left you once more? Start calling my members bad when you start fighting us, we are going to come to server three just for you boy be ready bb ;) That sounded salty but rlly not I just found out you still main server 3 still... send my love to your boiz <3

    3. SoSoSimple


      Failed to talk trash 10/10

  2. 350?
  3. 86
  4. Yes we will be there..and yes we are able to buy full kits none of us are under 2m
  5. how long does it usually take to look over reports? xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gaetano


      oh okay thank you!!

    3. -dante-


      To put it into perspective - we had about 74 player reports needing review last night. Simply from this week. With staff members who don't get paid, just gotta have patience and wait. 

    4. Gaetano
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