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Wesly ツ

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Everything posted by Wesly ツ

  1. I will, but you have to understand the process a civilian has to go through for something as simple as roleplay. I have to record, upload, explain why I think he's falsely roleplaying, and then what? You cannot ban the cop, you cannot demote him, write him up, you can literally do nothing other than tell him not to roleplay ineffectively. Therefore, a roleplay situation was ruined due to cops, and nothing was done about it. That certain cop won't receive punishment until it happens again, and we have to just assume the next person hasn't thrown their headphones or is willing to record 5 minutes for the same minute reason, unaware that the cop already has reports, leaving that one person to shrug it off. I want cops to roleplay better, which means that there isn't a report for that. I can't report a cop for saying something simple during an arrest. You cannot either, I would just like something to be done, such as forcing cops to role as duos. +1 +1 +1
  2. Seems like you're attacking the people rather than the argument.
  3. I think it is an overall +1 for the nerfs on APD, and I'm glad to the see the admins claiming to cover it in next update, but I'm still a little skeptical that it's going to be as good as it really needs to be.
  4. gotta afk and I feel like im going to miss metric asstons of posting lmao
  5. Can't report a cop for half-assing roleplay. There are much better ways to deal with it than the bureaucratic uploading and ticket process this forum has. Also, the rules have no effect on a cop that says little, there is no detriment to the cop and it is much worse to upload and report. A cop can say little but if the admin doesn't feel like he's wrong, nothing will happen. Sorry for relying on the APD to deal with a cop themselves. :/
  6. He's definitely not trashing it, he's literally giving his own opinion. The closest his opinion got to "trashing" this server was just saying that the demise of Olympus is here, which is how he feels, yet still not trashing. You act like he's trashing it when he QUITE LITERALLY gave ways to fix it, with which admins replied saying that it was in the works. Anyways, To add to what @indian said, yes, I believe that the cops on Olympus are so much worse, skillwise and roleplay wise, than Asylum. In Asylum, cops always have to pair up in cars of two, I have seen countless officers dip their outpost solo hatchback, that in no way follows roleplay. Also, cops here are robocops, arresting and restraining asap and running around saying very little. It always feel like I have some cop that snorted fucking speed when they tase and restrain which in no way is entertaining and not fun in the roleplay aspect. People actually get cop roles on this server for the money, people get cop on Asylum for the money and the gameplay. THIS IS JUST MY OWN OPINION, AGREE, DISAGREE, OR MODIFY. THERE'S NO REASON TO ATTACK SOMEONE FOR SPEAKING THEIR MIND, LAST I CHECKED IT ISN'T COMMUNIST RUSSIA, YET.
  7. Simply not going to Asylum because of donor town vigis.
  8. I guess that’s fair, I wish there was a way to leave a body unattended without coming back to see it revived, at least for a little while, although permanently delaying a revive is overpowered
  9. Then they get revived immediately after; therefore, not dead. I feel as if there could be an option to delay a revive. (Rather than guarding a corpse)
  10. Yeah, it’s definitely not an original idea, to here nor asylum, I’m just wondering what the community thinks about it.
  11. Just simply wondering what people think, not presenting an idea. Please add a reason for your opinion (Not an original idea to here nor asylum, just looking for people to share opinions on a game mechanic) My opinion is that asylum had a good idea although I think that it shouldn’t be added, if it ever was, I think it should have a heavy bounty increase and take a longer time.
  12. Just a middle of the way through this post and I'd like to say thanks for everyone that has answered and I'm glad to see responses. : ) Have a good winter (Or summer) to everyone out there.
  13. No, I’m just wondering how you failed, lol, none of them are critical fail questions.
  14. Just trying to get to know the people of Olympus. Please answer honestly and if you don’t celebrate, happy winter. Some people do celebrate two and I hoped to accommodate for them. That’s why it’s multiple choice.
  15. I have read through the majority of this forum but I haven’t really seen it asked. A cop purposefully rams you to stop you (after sirening), is this allowed? Can a cop rotor tap? A civilian purposefully blocks an exit with a vehicle and gets out, therefore making it unmovable unless rammed with high speeds?
  16. Wesly ツ


    it's a joke you egg brain
  17. Wesly ツ


    o idk if you know, but my rep went down 50+% when I had a picture of a rapper as my profile pic. 1/10, would not recommend.
  18. No hackers. (Any Faction) I'm curious of what people have seen since people have thousands of hours on Olympus alone.
  19. Quality idea +1
  20. Wesly ツ


    I chose this because my preferred picture is 2 KB over the limit, changing soon though.
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