All I’m saying is that civs spend 250k or more per load out whilst cops get it free unless their robbed
It should actually be a challenge for each side, not a retard fight that you know one side will win
All I’m saying is that the number of cops shouldn’t overcome the number of civs
Having 30 cops on one server is retarded. Not to mention the abilities and havoc it creates on the servers without cop
Let’s be honest, cops are too fucking good in the sense of advantage. When I do a fed I shouldn’t see 20 cops log on to the point that they outnumber us. If they come back with free kits and a ghost hawk AND more numbers
Come on now
mom decided to give it to "my little brother" and he apparently locked me out up to that point that it said connect to itunes or some crap
mind you this was because i didnt accept her insta request
truth be told moms are demons omegalul
hey man ThIs iS cybEr Bulyying becushfid you arnt LIiking my pOStts man TH is is nOt oK I wIll repUrt yoU to thE fOrtnIte mcdilpenis Dperatment
yOu betteERr stYop dowNvoting Me nOw before your toaster goes ofFliNe