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Everything posted by Y A Y O

  1. 5m
  2. 2m
  3. People learn from asking other people. Why wouldn't I go to the most dense, populated area? New players come for interactions, yet quickly leave when they realize the reality and what some would say abnormality of the server. That said, I would say it is absolutely common sense for most, if not all, to go to the most dense, populated area in the map.
  4. how much do plane runs make now ? and can i do them in jets?
  5. Agree to disagree For example: kill someone pro'ing near a house it is not uncommon to have multiple kits in houses or even pull an at to fuck that shit up lol but no one follows it anyway so why not
  6. I have a white Corsair 4000x RGB version no complaints, very sturdy and fitting case for my set up i Get 30c idle with a 10850k w a z73 360mm aio max 65c gaming on like 1 core while the other run at 50ish
  7. Get a good ips 1080p 144hz panel at the very least If you really want a good case I would look at popular ones like H510, corsair 4000 series, or corsair 5000 series, however these are much more expensive options, as I'm not very familiar with the budget options, let alone the newer ones
  8. poggers
  9. ye il buy it lmk when
  10. Im dead bruh
  11. 5.25
  12. 5m
  13. I9 10850k 3200mhz cl16 32gb corsair ram 256gb ssd 2tb hdd gtx 1080 Nano ips 1440p 144hz haven’t ran arma in a minute tbh Don’t judge the huge bottleneck just yet, trying to get my hands on a 3070/3080
  14. you could never live up to big chain chain #freechainchain
  15. Y A Y O


    d-d-d-d-d-d.. own bad
  16. Say what you want about me, but I do genuinely feel bad for you, whether its what you look like or not. I have nothing to prove, which is why I wont reveal myself to the community. You however, posted a link to your twitch, which on my end, I feel no need to click or look at. I don’t feel like judging you, however you make it fairly easy. I really couldn’t care less as to what you have to say about my “skill” in arma 3, a game that I haven’t touched in a few months, or my looks, which I would characterize as better than most of America. Truthfully, there’s nothing you can say to dissuade me of my opinion of you, everything intoxicating you make has something to do with the basis of insulting someone else, showing how insecure you are about something in life. Once again, not my business, but its apparent to not only me, but everyone on this thread.
  17. No I haven’t seen his stream dont plan on it either, I don’t want cancer intoxicating my eyes
  18. Half of the kids that play right now are cheaters. Ban them and the server dies. It’s an huh server right now, which is probably the larger reason why I don’t play
  19. I genuinely feel bad for pk kid is probably fat and gets bullied as school so he tries to bring the ego up on arma 3 servers
  20. Oh no ima get smoked on cap Not my arma career shiiii
  21. You seem like the kind of kid that paints their nails black unironically
  22. When you’re ego is up your ass and you’re just a person that’s generally difficult to deal with, I’m not surprised you haven’t seem many. You’re just an extremely unlikeable person. If you weren’t permed you’d be crying too. You’re literally unable to play on a server, yet still talk on the forums. Go quit like you preach to the community. Cant wait to see you get unpermed and eat your words.
  23. morning, mid day, before practice, after practice, before bed, 3 in the morning daily driver
  24. From yayo to olympus
      • 6
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      • Kreygasm
      • Haha
  25. Nah that was funny ash All of a sudden Olympus isn’t olympus cheese really doing things out here
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