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Olympus Plus
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Posts posted by batGooseCan

  1. On 6/26/2024 at 12:59 AM, Community Director Sov said:

    Ngl tho i look manic af when it's sped up that much.  


    Shits 7 years old tho.  

    You wanna rip on something fresh here ya go....


    you've got to be a troll, there is no way that's you

  2. 23 hours ago, Ryan said:

    Howdy Yall! Just wanted to drop a tiny little update to Olympus+, as well as announce some things for 4th of July ^_^

    Gonna skip the small talk I usually do and go right into the details 🙂 Olympus+ Update and GIVEAWAY details below. 

    Olympus+ Update:
    Olympus+ has been out for well over 2 years now, and since its release we have had some amazing changes/additions to the membership. So far we have had some awesome feedback and will continue to make sure we release new content and everything we possibly can for our members to take advantage of. With that being said, we always had it available on a monthly basis, but now we added the ability to buy Olympus+ multiple months in advance at a discounted rate 😄. You have the following options now:

    • Olympus+ - 1 Month
    • Olympus+ - 3 Months
    • Olympus+ - 6 Months
    • Olympus+ - 1 Year

    Naturally the more time you purchase, the better the discount. In light of this new addition, we will be giving away some Olympus+ subs as part of the giveaway information below. You can view the details of what Olympus+ gives you by clicking here. Thank you guys for supporting Olympus, this stuff truly does help us support the server and further progress us in its development in light of changes for all of you ❤️

    Existing Olympus+ Members:

    If you are an existing member and would like to upgrade to a longer/different tier you may do so by doing the following:

    Price Match:

    As always, we love to follow the sales trends of all stores! As of today we will be matching all Donations you make up to $100. This does not apply to previous donations, but anything starting from today going forward. So if you donate $100, you get a $200 value in total. The next Price Match will be ways out, so if you were waiting on a future promo right now is gonna be your chance for quite some time. Once you donate, please submit a donation support ticket for us to apply the extra money to your account. Do be patient with these tickets as we promise we will get to everyone. This is only redeemable once.

    Price Match ends 7/4/24


    We will be offering a free coupon that takes 20% off your entire purchase. This coupon is not eligible on gang perks or Olympus+ but does work on everything else. Use code OLY4TH at checkout 🙂 



    • Must NOT be banned from our servers
    • Must be an active player of the community
    • Must have *reasonable* time served in game within the 2 weeks of playing when the winner is picked
    • Comment and react down below to enter
    • Giveaway entries end on 7/3/2024
    • give me erep or else


                    COMMON ITEMS

    • 1 $10 Olympus Gift Card
    • 1 $25 Olympus Gift Card 
    • 1 $50 Olympus Gift Card
    • 1 Hex Icon 250 Pack (1 Winner)
    • 5 Olympus+ Subs (1 Month)
    • $40 Mil in game
    • $25 Mil in game
    • $25 Mil in gangfunds
    • $20 Mil in gangfunds
    • $15 Mil in game
    • $10 Mil in game
    • 300 Warpoints
    • 250 Warpoints
    • 150 Warpoints
    • 100 Warpoints

               SPECIAL ITEMS

    • 1 GhostHawk
    • 1 Armed Huron

    Good Luck Yall 😄 

    winners will be announced New Years Day

  3. 4 hours ago, Community Director Sov said:

    I was just looking for a way to make the game interesting again.  I don't even want staff.  No cap, if they offered it to me out of nowhere I would 100% turn it down forever.

    Being staff is basically being a mindless ticket puncher.  They want people who agree, barely play, barely know any thing about the game or the mechanics or the rules  who don't have opinions of their own. 

    I'm a CC at heart.  I will always state my opinion, and never suck weewee for promotions.  

    The fact that you see unanimous votes happening as often as they do is indicative that their voting system is based on politics and sucking up.  If they handled their voting with true anonymity you'd see a lot more... disagreement. 

    are you smoking straight copium or a derivative?

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

    @ David Miller  has to answer for this one.

    So basically, when one of the fine individuals from our community applies for a Moderator position within the Mecca, current staff leave notes and circle jerk as to whether or not said individual should have a shot. In this ticket @ Community Director Sov had received unanimous +1's from all the staff, and at the last minute before the meeting where she would be sworn in under oath, thon hallion @ David Miller swooped in and denied the ticket, thus ruining her chances at become the latest Mecca Moderator.

    Now I know what you are thinking, right now she is absolutely flipping shit over an extremely minor issue right? Imagine what she would be like if she had the powers of the Mecca Moderation team at her fingertips!


    Mrs Maisel GIF by The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

    Thank you @ David Miller  not only do you have the most subscriptions on OnlyFeet you also help us dodge the crazies.

    You da hoe ❤️

    too many mentally disabled people on the staff as is

    • Like 2
    • +1 2
    • Pepega 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Vancey said:

    I think im back to play Arma RP again on this lovely server, been like 7-8 years since i been around i def used to be a squeaker kavala scat. Some of you might not know me but i used to go by Visions (i think), TheyCallMeJpeg, and Whitaker. Hopefully i see some familiar faces!

    careful with rdm, they havent done a mass unban for people that have been rdmed permed in a while, wouldnt try that. Make sure to initiate properly

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 18 hours ago, thomp62 said:

    Hello, My name is Thompp. I am a Jr. APD Patrol Officer. I am currently writing this in school, in the middle of my classes. You may have already heard of me from the APD forums because of me complaining about the state of Federal Events and how it’s unfair towards the APD. However, after input from so many sides, including Sr. APD, other Jr. APD, and CIVs participating in the federal events, I decided to take a fresh look at the state of federal events, and that started with data collection. I took a month to pile up every federal event that I personally have participated in, and after looking at it all, as well as playing the federal events myself, I have come up with several conclusions and suggestions.

    Before I begin, here are some disclaimers that I want everyone to know:
    1. This is not meant to be a forum post about blaming people or factions. This is only a review of the state of Federal Events as seen by a Jr. APD member, and my input about what we can do to make it better for everybody.
    2. Being as it is a somewhat biased collection of data (with only my participation being the reason for the data being in the spreadsheet), this is obviously not what it might look like to other people.
    3. After arguing in the APD forums, I realize that we have many different opinions about federal events, as well as different experiences. So this is not meant to put down other people’s opinions, but rather give my own opinion and insight.
    4. I have reflected and see that federal events are not only unfair for Jr. APD, but also for CIVs going against Sr. APD.
    5. Special thanks to @ xsmitherz for his help in formatting the spreadsheet, and @ SPBojo for his insight into what the Civilian side looks like when fighting federal events, as well as many others for their strongly-written opinions.
    6. Remember that we are all humans behind the screen. I genuinely want to see federal events changed to be more fair for both the APD and the CIVs participating in it. I want us to all have fun with federal events. It shouldn’t be a punishment to fight these federal events, but rather something we want to look forward to.
    7. This might look like I'm yapping to most of you guys, but this is truly what I feel and what most Jr. APD feels about federal events.
    8. In the end, this is all a game. If the game is frustrating, it’s completely okay to take a step back and relax.
    9. Here's the spreadsheet for everyone to view 🙂https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b4mRgCor2VFw1QxEcVcvOyCe1W3PhPabq6VmRTlnt6w/edit?resourcekey#gid=1645404173


    When I was a deputy about 5 months ago, I had my first federal event and genuinely enjoyed it. Not only was it fair on both sides with nearly equal numbers of people, but also it wasn’t too cancerous for either side fighting and it wasn’t some deadbrain wave and die, wave and die type event. Recently however, I’ve noticed that this attitude towards federal events had changed. Not only for me, but for many other Jr. APD and Civs. Now, it wasn’t fun, but rather egregious and annoying to play. When Jr. APD watched as the popup for federal events showed, instead of being ecstatic, they would rather log off or groan. It was like watching a bunch of children after telling them “It’s bedtime”. For Civilians, I am sure this is the same feeling when Sr. APD begins mass-armor waves. 

    Curiously, I wondered why such a change had occurred. Why were Jr. APD being punished for just playing the game? We don’t log in just to be tortured. We want to have fun. That is why I began talking to different sides and also collecting data, and looking at the APD handbook and server rules. I came to the conclusion that it was due to both sides overreacting, and seeking “revenge” upon each other, and Jr. APD being caught in the crossfire. Sr. APD began mass-pulling armor waves, Civs started running in large groups, which in turn made even more armor waves, which in turn forced Civs to use RPGs and Zafirs and other weaponry. Now, Civs are at the limit of how much they can keep pulling, whilst Sr. APD can still continue to use more weaponry. (As seen in recent blackwater events, where APD has started winning more than before). This ramp up in the level of weapons used has caused a disruption in the balance of power, and Jr. APD was forced to just sit there and endure the everlasting torture. 

    So what exactly can we do, both as APD and as Civs, to ensure that the federal events we fight are fair, fun, and doesn’t leave anyone wanting to die in the end? As it stands, the only group that is unable to scale up to these increased levels of cancer are Jr. APD. This leaves many Jr. APD wondering what they are useful for in federal events, besides running in to die, baiting for Sr. APD, and trying to defuse the bomb. Of course, there are moments where Jr. APD shines, however these moments are few to none. I propose we add some rank in between Patrol Officer and Corporal, where they are able to use lethals in federal events, and ONLY federal events, and of course with very strict requirements. The only people who could obtain this rank are those with 100+ hours in APD, 20+ days Time in Grade, and are trusted within the APD community. 

    For Sr. APD, I propose we add some rule changes that restricts how much armor is allowed per wave, depending on the amount of civs participating in these events. For example, 2 armored vehicles per every 4 civs. (ex. 8 armored vehicles when fighting 16 civs). Not only will this limit how much money Sr. APD will be forced to lose (as I know that Sr. APD doesn’t like pulling armor for this reason), but also it will decrease the amount of weapons used by Civs and reduce the amount of cancer occurring in the federal events at this moment, which in turn will reduce the cross-fire that Jr. APD has to deal with. I also propose we add rules regulating waves, and only having certain things after a certain amount of waves. (Ex. After the 3rd wave, armor can be pulled. After the 5th, lethals can be loaded for Jr APD.)

    For proportionality, I propose we add new rules that regulate how many Civs / APD can participate in the federal events, depending on Civs / APD size. For example, we could have 1.5 APD per every 1 Civ. This could lead to the problem of Sr. APD forcing Jr. APD to leave so that they can replace them, but this could be fixed by enforcing a minimum amount of Jr. APD that must be in the federal event.

    All in all, I believe that federal events should be fun to fight. It shouldn’t be some torture-fest or some punishment for Jr. APD. I genuinely enjoy playing APD and I want that feeling to be the same for everyone else, especially after federal events. There’s no point in playing a game that will just make you frustrated, after all. With Rexo in charge of the APD now, I believe that we can work together to make changes that benefit us all, and allow federal events to enter a new stage of strategy and excitement. 

    TLDR: Federal events are cancerous for everyone, please come together to fix it.

    federal reserve win strat rn is pull so much armor and smoke so much that the server lags. Cops then jump over a wall and kill civs that cannot see them! Very fun

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Revenge said:

     Friends, I am waiting for your comments. What is the rule mistake I made here? If I really have made a mistake, please explain it to me. I will leave this server.


    I'm also asking because I'm curious.  Are Diamonds friends with U.S. DIPLOMATIC SECURITY?

    Diamond and US diplomatic security have been known to go swimming together. I'm not sure if you were banned due to their friendship, but I'll link the photo here.



    • Haha 3
  8. 11 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

    It's more than just that with offensive defensive.  If you're chasing someone, you have more control over collisions than the other could ever.  A person being chased shouldn't ever have to worry about stopping too fast or turning too quick.  They're being chased.  The entire responsibility for vdm when one party is choosing to follow close is the pursuing party.  They should be setting up to take a shot but instead they choose to drive close for no reason I can possibly think of other than to collide.

    The speed difference between those vehicles is an easy setup to pass and shoot the front window...so why instead choose to not only stay in the vehicle but drive so close even the slightest desync could cause issues?  Every box was checked to create this accident to the degree that responsibility should fall on the persuer.  I've seen people held responsible for their own desync because they were driving too close...and if that's happened, this is several degrees closer to responsibility for the same reasons.

    I disagree with your call because though I feel your heart was in the right place, it sets up precedent to fuck over victims of stuff like this in the future.  


    At the very least if it's being handled like this in the future, no fault should always result in comp and not just because staff is in a good mood.


    Anyways, the pursuer does have the most control in terms of a collision, but that doesn't give the person being chased the right to handbrake and desync ram the person behind them. Arma collision & desync shouldn't really result in a ban at all imo, but the comp could be decided based on the factors of the situation. VDM rules on this server are dodgy to be fair. Someone driving in a straight line that wouldn't hit another person should 100% not be at fault for someone having to swerve into them. In this situation I don't think anyone is at fault, but with aggressive driving forcing someone into a position where they could crash or swerve into you is up in the air. I'd say it is good tactics, but apparently in this situation had the van hit the wall he would've died. Would this have been a combat log/suicide had he not swerved? It is all very situational and can't really be put into a rulebook. At the end of the day we have to trust the admin discretion which ideally should solve situations like these and it seems like in this case it has. 
    I do though agree it shouldn't be staff in a good mood for comp. That is just a ridiculous precedent to set. Comp is a tricky matter because it is the presumption that had a rule violation/arma accident happened would it affect the situation present? At the end of the day it is up to the admin that is looking at your request. Admin roulette if you will. Still, there should be a standard for issues like this. 

    Edit: I'd rather have staff comp all parties then someone fucked over by shit game code

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