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Posts posted by batGooseCan

  1. 3 hours ago, McDili said:

    Wanted to come back and respond to this cause I meant to before. 


    Yeah dude, I really miss the old times, who doesn’t I guess.. if I could go back I certainly would not have joined staff. It was fulfilling to make real change but it ruined the game and even some friendships. And when I did play the game it was always interrupted. 


    Honestly I’m amazed I was able to “care” for as long as I did. I’ll try to stick around cause I enjoy a ton of the folks but for now I am going to take a short break from coming into the olympus teamspeak. It feels great not feeling obligated to connect. 

    should of retired earlier no one liked you.




    just kidding i love you 

  2. The way I heard it was is that Poseidon needed cash so he offered to work for asylum. A bit later they brought him in to optimize and fix issues Paratus' coding caused. Asylum was having major lag and battle eye kicks (nothing new) and so they needed help and he fixed it.

  3. 39 minutes ago, loganburgs said:

    I would like to know whats required to submit a ban , i thought it was a min of 5 minute long video but it was recently banned for a video that 24 seconds long

    what were you banned for? I'm sure a quick suck can get that removed.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Main said:

    Well, work is picking up and I've lost my drive for arma entirely after 5k+ hours of arma2 OA+ arma 3. Farewell to everyone who was able to help me get to where I was in the APD.

    @housekitty By far the most fun SAPD to chill/play with. 

    @Pledge The back-bone of the APD.

    @Edge Thanks for letting me fly constantly as a P.O.+ great times on cop

    Great community, great staff, and most of all, great players. 

    where's my @?

    • Downvote 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, Sun said:

    Do I have to say no homo if I rp as someone who is gay? And is it gay to rp as gay. 

    Also can I rp as a racist and call people the n word and threaten to lynch people? 

    Idk what this says about you, but I think you just need to come out already.

    No rping as racists.

  6. Just now, Caleb Snackbar said:

    So recently I had a vigi who had me restrained the i was unrestrained due to excessive restraint and he then tased me again and sent me straight to jail because he read my charges before I got unrestrained, so first off is he allowed to tase me again to try viging me after I get unrestrained because of excessive restraint thing, then second does he have to read my charges to me again because he restrained me again 

    He can't rekidnap you. You should've alt f4ed my boy.

  7. If someone is vdming you to the point where getting up is not possible, are you allowed to kill them in the split amount of time you can?

    If not can you initiate while spangled?

    Also could we have only Admin/Support members responding because I don't want to get different answers and fuck up.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Kitui said:

    Come to Kavala and see.  Kavala is a great, peaceful place full of Nice people.  The Nimrods of Kavala do god's work in regards to taking care of your apd issues for you.

    See the APD in kavala?  Have no fear, Simply message a Nimrod!


    Hands up or be tased. You are wanted for 1 count of gas station robbery, and 2 counts of manslaughters for a total of 78500 or some shit. I’ll will be sending you to jail, watch out for Tyrone.

  9. 1 hour ago, Linka said:

    i dont have an antivirus because im poor

    Nooo linka why aren’t you coporal???

    2 hours ago, CommanderSuki said:

    Shady sites usually have virus or trojan horses hidden in the pictures your computer automatically downloads.


  10. 2 hours ago, CommanderSuki said:

    You pictures trigger my anitvirus software some url called dpypzvjarj.com is getting blocked.

    It’s most likely not a virus, just a shady ass site. This dude needs to use gyazo or nvidia GeForce.

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