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About TBON3R

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  • Olympus Gang

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Loool all staff do on this server is insult people who hold a different fucking opinion get off ur high horse stop thinking you're so much more intelligent then me cuz i can guarantee ur a little nerd who sits inside all day with no friends... Yes just insult people who hold a different opinion to the one you hold. Fucking idiot how did retards like u even get staff? Not exactly professional to start throwing insults at someone who disagrees with you, stupid salty 16 year neckbeard skid
  2. Didn't even give me any constructive criticism you don't have the faintest idea what you're on about so instead of being all high and mighty just stop posting unless you got a valid argument. I dont think shutting down the server is neccessarily the best way but fucking hell it'll help limit the damage done eh?
  3. ROLLING BACK AINT GONNA FIX SHIT It's just gonna piss everyone off and then the hackers will come back and do it again and again. Invest in a better anticheat and contact Bohemia dont try and blame the community for your fuck ups!
  4. I think you're right they do need to shut down the server for a day or so so they can work on a fix. Its completely ruining the server for me as most of my friends dont wanna play anymore as they believe the server is gonna rol lback and all our shit will be gone. Also every fucking day i hear that cunting airhorn and get billions in my account like hello?? They even gave everyone on server 1 blackscreen yesterday
  5. kkkkk
  6. Big fat F imagine paying money for a APD rank...
  7. Why u banned lol
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