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APD Officer
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Everything posted by JustAmmo

  1. Streaming Koth, hardcore infantry.



  2. Next person to comment is a rotten egg. Get fucked
  3. Playing some KOTH boys, back at it. (facecam btw, come make fun of me)


  4. It's just a graphical glitch with you monitors background. It happens it's nothing to worry about, try resetting your background
  5. Watch my friend play stalker. He's got a sexy voice.


  6. Making a Ghille Suit


  7. JustAmmo

    Support my stream.

  8. Epic stream with an epic facecam


  9. Finally got a face cam, come make fun of me


  10. King of the hill stream gamers. 


  11. KOTH stream gamers. Come hangout


  12. King of the hill stream.


  13. King of the Hill stream


  14. King of the hill stream 


  15. Bad news everybody, I have been called into work. I am going to stream for another 45 minutes to make it an even 12 hours then head off. Next time I plan a 24 hour I will actually book the days off so I cant be called in if someones sick. Sorry for failing everybody
  16. Alright boys and girls t-minus 3 hours till we start give or take. Be there or be square
  17. True I forgot he's just a little boy
  18. Uhhh... Some kinda pussy over here?
  19. @tacosmell Bet. I got a deal for ya. If one of us pussies out or falls asleep before 24 hours is up we owe the other one 10 mil.
  20. First off you aren't a monki you're a chimp. Second off you can come
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