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yung matt

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Everything posted by yung matt

  1. yung matt


    na nibba
  2. yung matt


    1mil for 1 hunter
  3. where is it? nvm im retarted
  4. dp4 1 crater 1mil about 1.7km away from meth lab
  5. 10millllllll, good dam
  6. sever 1 kore 4 crater 850m from pro, offer me
  7. this hosuse is a 4 crater (2900 space) house - Holds about 930 unpro'd oil - 800m from pro offer me
  8. I can give u a nice mk1
  9. Well good luck with that
  10. I have a server 1 dp4 1 crater house 1.7 clicks away from meth lab
  11. na nvm then, too much
  12. name ur starting price
  13. yung matt

    [WTS] Hunter

  14. No u
  15. It should be
  16. good luck with that
  17. Na, only loooking for dp23
  18. I’m interested in buying a house in dp23. Tell what house you have and a starting price. I prefer a 2 crater or larger but a 1 crater will be good enough.
  19. Happy?
  20. I am selling a Dp 3 garage on server 2. If you are interested in buying this garage pm me, or reply in to this topic, and we wil arrange a time and date. I am starting the price at 850k. Thanks for your interest!
  21. Ill buy it if you still have one for 900k
  22. @Sam1 i will pay 3mil for armed quilin
  23. i will pay 3.5mil for quilin and 4.2mil for prowler
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