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  1. -Maybe limit it to 500m for 2 seconds -I'm not sure if getting helicopter names works at all, since i had the rangefinder on an autohovering mohawk for over 10s (I counted edit I think I was 700m away). I guess it was because I was on the ground, but I think the range at which a name is detected should be determined by where what you are trying to detect is, in relation to you. --So if you are looking for a person's name, it is a shorter distance than looking for a helicopter's name, even if you are on the ground in both scenarios. If it is already like this, then it is broken.
  2. UKN

    Math Time

    The problem I see people making here is they add (2+1) = 3. Then they remove the parenthesis and get 6/2 x 3 You need to keep the parenthesis. See ----> 6/2(3) ^ ^ 3 x 3 ^ 9
  3. dont downvote me majed u fucking laughed when I showed you this @Majed
  4. https://gyazo.com/cce474281884b11add4057eb0f182fd7
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