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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. Don't listen to Ace, clearly I was all 3.
  2. Before you ask why I'm not on the community team

  3. I know this may seem out of the blue to everyone and well it is. Some things happened that I won't discuss and the result is me stepping down from the community team. I just wanted to say I appreciate everyone that supported the content I produced and hopefully whoever takes my place will do better then I did. Do to me stepping down this means the BLTN Podcast and Olympus Now will be discontinued. To everyone that gave us suggestions, ideas, improvements, and overall those that came on the podcast we thank you for taking the time out of your day to entertain everyone. Now this doesn't mean I will be leaving Olympus, I just won't be producing content anymore but will still stick around to play and chat with you. To anyone that disagreed with me or felt I didn't deserve the position I'm sorry you felt that way and hopefully you think the next lead deserves it.
  4. Community team recruitment is currently closed however you can still apply. Your ticket will be put on hold until further notice.

  5. Community team recruitment is currently closed. If things change I'll let you know.

  6. I truly hope for your sake you are joking. People commit suicide every year over players like you that think it's okay to make fun of someone because you think it's funny. How about instead of talking unnecessary shit to people you don't talk shit at all? I'm sure when you read this your going to say I'm "salty", the fact is you need to grow up.
  7. I'll use the same example I've said with everyone. Does it really matter what platform the harassment took place? Just because it's player to player is that any different then player to staff? If I harass Hades on Steam and I get banned, I would expect the same if I harassed a normal member. How about instead of constantly messaging someone and starting issues we just let it be and accept that not everyone is going to like each other.
  8. Eh I think it's still RDM Moob.....
  9. If you are interested in watching this episode of BLTN you will have to watch the past broadcast for now. Recording messed up and Twitch is having it's usual export fails. I will do my best to get it on Youtube even if I have to record the past broadcast. http://www.twitch.tv/bltnpodcast/b/633685593
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  10. Although most of you are probably dead serious about bringing it back, it will never happen. The admins want less RDM not more, you should want the same.
  11. Put up the Gang Recruitment Database. Let me know if you need to be added

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Warfare


      Deleting my pms now to gain space. Tree's thread says 'Closed' So I wasn't sure if they are done or simply not recruiting.

    3. RichusX


      Nah, Tree is still going, just not recrutin..

    4. Warfare


      Alright ill add them on then.

  12. Be chill in the BLTN chat or don't chat at all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. Jackson

      Mr. Jackson

      Warfare, can you pls unban me from the POTP ts, i would like to talk to you.

    3. Warfare


      Snake you were involved and then started spamming nonsense that wasn't needed. I would love for Burban and friends to be involved in the podcasts because you guys do have experience and ideas that can improve the server.

      However spamming the chat and looking to get a rise out of people isn't what I'm looking for. Trust me I have no problem perm banning users from the channel.

      In regards to your request Jackson no.

    4. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      i like potatoes and i think all issues on this server can be solved if they will add a POTATO FARM ALREADY!!!!

  13. Drop me some medic topics

    1. Muthinator


      No civilian defibrillator!

  14. Potential medic only BLTN tonight. Might as well mix things up.

    1. Snake


      As a potential future candidate for application for R&R Status, I will be gladly attending the podcast today.

    2. Warfare


      You mean you can only be a civ

    3. Snake


      Im thrilled to be attending the podcast tonight.

  15. I'm not sure if server 3 is staying down so the servers can stay full longer or so Poseidon can test hardware still. I know he said server 3 will come back up but time will only tell.
  16. Hostility to high

  17. The best that will ever live. I think we all have to agree with this
  18. Warfare........get rekt?

  19. Judging by the close poll it's clearly a tie. I mean it could go either way why risk it.
  20. Who F5's anymore, technology does exist.
  21. A polished turd will always be more appealing then a regular turd. -Warfare 2015
  22. Nah still crap, just prettier crap you know?
  23. All title no work. I basically just sit around and let other people do BLTN and Olympus Now.
  24. It's actually assistant of the assistant to the regional managers assistant. Twilight zone type shit you know?
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