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Everything posted by Stix

  1. you are correct This is the default weights without any upgrades what you can sling with what Helicopters with the Sling Load ability: · MH-9 Hummingbird: 0.5 tonnes (500kg) · PO-30 Orca: 2 tonnes (2000kg) · WY-55 Hellcat: 2 tonnes (2000kg) · UH-80 Ghost Hawk: 4 tonnes (4000kg) · CH-49 Mohawk: 4 tonnes (4000kg) · Huron: 10 tonnes (10 000kg) · Taru: 12 tonnes (12 000kg) Sling Loadable vehicles Wheeled vehicles · Kart: 150 kg · Quad bike: 280,8 kg · Hatchback: 1090 kg · Hatchback (sport): 1090 kg · SUV: 1600 kg · Offroad: 1615 kg · Offroad (armed): 1615 kg · Truck: 2400,04 kg · Truck Boxer: 2509,4 kg · Hunter: 8306,6 kg · Ifrit: 8392 kg · Zamak Transport (covered): 9375,48 kg · Strider: 9700 kg · HEMTT 10 842,8 kg · Zamak Transport: 10 867,8 kg · HEMTT Transport: 10 942,9 kg (untested) · HEMTT Transport Covered: 11 026,2 kg Water vehicles · Assault boat: 565 kg · Rescue boat: 565 kg · SDV: 2600 kg Note: Not the motor boats!
  2. what vehicle were you trying to sling and what heli where u useing
  3. It works great, what you have to do: 1. get a tow hook and sling 2. get the vehicle you want to sling 3. use the tow hook and sling on the vehicle 4. get a heli that will be able to sling that vehicle 5. fly above it and scroll wheel till you see "hook" 6 hook it and fly away 7. if you want to unhook scroll wheel till you see "unhook" hope this helps you
  4. Stix


    correct, thank you
  5. Stix


    K The APD would not be making money off the cartels it is a way to let the cops have a bit more fun because half the time the are just sitting in kavala
  6. Not a question but something funny is "kavala is a safe zone you cant robe me"
  7. Stix


    that would be cool to but how would we know if it was neutralize twice all ready And to quote @D3V1L i dont see the need to have a whitelisted spot for this maybe feds and jails but this could just be the normal APD doing there own thing
  8. Maybe be a fun idea. Reason i am posting this is there is word the cartels are being moved around the entire map, I think it would be cool if when a cartel is captured by a gang the APD is able to go neutralize the cartel. It would give the APD something to do other then sit on the ass all day in kavala. No hate just let me know what you think
  9. Stix

    Hello Olympus

    Welcome hope you enjoy your stay if you have any questions feel free to ask. lol are you a english scholar now
  10. If there is any veterans or any current service members that play on olympus i would like to say thank you for our freedom 


  11. did not want to say anything about that but yea...
  12. Stix

    Altis IRL

  13. Stix

    Altis IRL

    Bohemia interactive actually had 2 guys arrested there for spyonage, and because of that they changed the name they wanted to give to the island(Limnos) and changed to what today is(Altis)
  14. Stix

    Altis IRL

    This is the crazy this the Ghost Hotel is really a Ghost Hotel
  15. Stix

    Altis IRL

    This is not joke it is real. Feel free to post any more pictures you find.
  16. Hello people, maybe many of you guys already know you or maybe you guys didn't even bothered to check, but today I was randomly googling around and found altis and stratis in real life: Altis in real life name is Lemnos Google Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/30LBF A youtube video about Myrina(Kavala), notice how accurate it is: http://youtu.be/e5urNdAogpA?t=1m45s Bohemia interactive actually had 2 guys arrested there for spyonage, and because of that they changed the name they wanted to give to the island(Limnos) and changed to what today is(Altis) You can check Lemnos in google maps, unfortunately, Lemnos hasn't got streetview, but they still bothered to put the roads, and I can see, the game made a exact island, I mean, go see by yourselves. Facts about Lemnos(Altis): · The distance from Myrina to Mourgos(Kavala to Pyrgos) is of 27,7 km · With the lack of money the greek government is cutting on funding the island: http://usilive.org/l...ut-down-island/ Therefore only having one hospital on the island and not good teachers. · Lemnos is the 8º biggest greek island Lemnos International Airport (real life picture) Stratis in real life name is Agios Efstratios Google Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/o2q2B You can search for it, or you can just go a little southwest on Lemnos, although it hasn't got a lot of stuff there(like the airfield) they kept the little islands on the north and north east, and there is only one tiny city. I do not take credit for this post I found it on another forum and all credit goes to PedroIvo and Jevil
  17.  Hacker server 1 rn

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Server 2 now. That shittard. Lost my MK18 :( 

  18. Good luck man hope to see you back soon
  19. ummm.......can you just give it to me
  20. Sick + Work = Hell

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stix


      @Bubbaloo  moral of the story......work is hell.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Indeed it is my good sir. Indeed it is. 

    4. BENJI


      I'm 93 years old. I've been a Doctor, a Surgeon, a Dentist and a Therapist for over 67 years. I still am today, and I'm a Paramedic. Work is fun, what you talkin bout.

  21. Redgull gives you wings so we fly everywhere.
  22. Thank you for working so hard to get things fixed ASAP. Much Love!
  23. A new day on the forums hopefully in is not total aids like yesterday

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. brodyunderwood1


      would we even really check it if there was no drama?  I don't hop on here thinking "oh goodness I hope mory has another kill montage up today" :P

      messing with you mory

    3. Stix


      I am fine with drama but aids is diffrent.

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
  24. The reason it is MCPD is because MC puts there time into the server both on APD and on civ.
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