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Everything posted by Drippp

  1. Drippp

    WTS things

    1x 6.5 supressor 1x black lvl 5 vest 1x pilot coveralls 3x striders also selling warpoints
  2. Wanting to sell this beauty of a house 800 virtual storage Can see who is in the vicinity upon choosing spawn Looking for 10 mil
  3. Drippp


    Hahahahahahaha u right
  4. Drippp


    What’s up guy FaZe Rug here bringing you another clip. Nobody buy these fireworks from this Jew.
  5. Still available?
  6. Nigga u gotta post a pic of where it is
  7. I’m waiting to get my guns back , my crate disappeared along with everything in it.
  8. Negative seen multiple sold for that price. Including the one listed
  9. 3 mk1 1 type 115 and spar gl all for sale shoot me offers https://gyazo.com/5a3e6b53b46bf7ed70eb9ebc9cab6321
  10. +1 deals went smoothly. Also I’ll buy the titan does it come with rockets?
  11. If you still have the green vest i'll buy that, just bought the black one and some guns from you.
  12. Upgrading to an i7-8700k soon and have a debate between whether to get the gigabyte Auros ultra gaming mother board I really like the LED aspect so the win for that goes to the gigabyte motherboard but in all around features I’m not sure which one to pick
  13. I have DDR4 RAM in my current build. Just realizing now that I put 16 GB instead of 8
  14. So I'd have to get a new RAM as well to support a new cpu?
  15. Would you also recommend getting a new cpu cooler I currently have the hyper 212 evo
  16. Are you overclocking? What are your specs?
  17. So I currently have a ASUS geforce GTX 1080 turbo paired with the i5 7500, I'm currently thinking of upgrading to an i7 k series for a boost in fps but Im not sure if I will see that big of a boost basically seeing what you guys have to say. My specs Windows 10 home 525gb ssd 16 gb ram i5 7500 ASUS geforce GTX 1080 turbo Gigabyte H270-gaming 3 and 650w 80+ EVGA PSU
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