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doubleueyeceekay last won the day on June 20

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About doubleueyeceekay

  • Birthday September 23

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  1. question for you homies

    is arma shit to run on linux AND does tarkov work on linux yet?

    rly considering just hopping fully over to linux but i am still in two minds for those two games

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. doubleueyeceekay


      thanks @ buckie  tarkov has really been the only shit holding me back

      @ hawkg  i dual boot rn, loved linux for when i was doing my phd thesis and i like the level of control, only really use windows for when im gaming on my PC nowadays and since 2019(?)

      @ Milo  im more than used to troubleshooting things at this point, windows has been the bane of my life recently which is pushing me

    3. stayclaxxy


      Arma works well via proton. Tarkov, not sure but I’m positive a solution exists.

    4. Frato


      If it doesn't work on linux you can always just make a windows vm and play that way

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