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  1. Hit me up dude. I got you in discord added
  2. Straw pole to unban revenge?
  3. How much will you offer to sell for every thing I asked for in my previous message if I buy in a lot? Include the Mar10 please
  4. How much for all of the Csat clothing all 9mm silencers and what are PCOVs, RGN, and ROG. I might be interested in that.
  5. What would you sell it for?
  6. Over the course of the years I have played on these servers I have a lot of fun moments and memories I will never forget. This community can be toxic at time, but all and all I enjoy it. I get to see all three sides of the factions available for play. Yea some may be better or more enjoyable than others. But all in all most of my current time spent here is fun and interesting. From dealing with the Kav scum to fighting rebels in war zone there is always some thing to do and I want to thank every one on the team from @ Ryan to the lowest of the low @Silla y’all keep me coming back every day for the same rush. Even though some of you are the lowest of the bottom of the barrel rats y’all keep this fun for me (most of the time) cheers and happy holidays.
  7. https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/4RgzA3EIUNuFt/EH2TFnleg6cN?invite=cr-MSxid2UsOTQ4OTA3MSw @ Super_Nova
  8. I would really like clarification if I can shoot helicopters over the fed while it’s active with a titan. I just like to sit back while this is going on and laser aircraft out of the sky so some clarification on this from an admin would be great about it. I mean technically it is a red zone.
  9. House for sale directly across the street from kav hospital gate. 3 crater. Need it gone ASAP. 3.5 mil. Very close to square.
  10. House across from hospital. 3 crater. 4 mil. Don’t have pictures but it’s across from the gate area at hospital.
  11. I’m honored to have a “rap” written about my gang. The simple fact that this got brought up to us in our gang meeting really made me thing we must be doing some thing right. If you don’t want to get robbed the don’t run around naked. Don’t want to fight 9 of us at once? Don’t hang out in Kavala. We are primarily there to fight cops any ways....and rob kidneys
  12. Apd sucks. Plain and simple. Remove house raids because they are bull shit
  13. Im not going to spill some ones beans. It has corrected and handled. Closing the thread. Well I guess I can’t close it.
  14. decides not to ban the player for blowing up his car on the police gate and killing me. I was lagging so it looked like I was moved already. But come on. Last 15 seconds of video. Tell me what y’all think
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