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Everything posted by ThatOneGuy

  1. its a canvas that reddit does yearly and people place 1 tile at a time, you can put your tile every 5 minutes and you try to create art, you gotta work with people to get it created. today is the last day of the canvas
  2. youre right. it would have to be a coordinated attack
  3. I have started on it. we keep going
  4. I have an MK1 and if youre feeling really ballsy you can go with the .45 with the suppressor. Starting at 1.5 for the MK1 and give me an offer if anyone actually wants the .45
  5. mk1 for 1.5 or if youre feeling really good a .45 pistol and i might even throw in the .45 suppressor with it
  6. Ill sell you an MK1 or if youre feeling really frisky a .45 pistol.
  7. ThatOneGuy


    Ill sell an MK1 for 1.5
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198799407010/
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198799407010/#sort=order Why not
  11. This was the best post that has ever been made just due to the comments
  12. XD
  13. Me and some other police officers think that Po's and up should get Suppressors for the MX.
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