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About CompOrban

  • Birthday 12/13/1998

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  1. *Selling Second G hawk because I want to buy another .338 sup* *still have all the gear(besides that mar )* * this post was meant to be funny not a complaint* *I regret nothing* Thanks for that money tho on the real @|REAL| Boing Mind explaining to the server why you allowing SandStorm to sell ingame items tho http://imgur.com/a/zwqNiKC http://imgur.com/a/xlXKAkC http://imgur.com/a/9IwUQWD @Ryan
  2. I have lvl 4 and lvl 5 for sale
  3. Proof?
  4. not if I buy another .338 can
  5. Oh boy time to buy another mar 10 sup hit my dms so we can talk
  6. @|REAL| Boing https://imgur.com/a/1pmFJfY
  7. Selling mine for 24.8 m
  8. gotta live on the edge
  9. I'll buy a mar 10 taz and the sup rn
  10. Need more my man
  11. Taking offers
  12. No longer buying dms
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