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D Ganja

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Everything posted by D Ganja

  1. Looking to buy a garage preferably near black market weed but anywhere would really do. just show tell me where and how much and well see where it leads to.
  2. I'd love a hunter as well as 6.5 suppresser. offer?
  3. think this is comp-able? see link below CLICK HERE FOR
  4. Lysol wipes work for me. I've personally gone days without showering and ive never reached that level. props man, takes a lot to get there. but if the smell persists it's definitely time to wipe the ass and throw that chair out
  5. yeah I got it all on recording. it was a tight alley but I made a good turn and suddenly just boom truck and weed is gone. From the way you describe the event occurring you do indeed fit the "requirements" to receive compensation. To do this, just go to Support Tab > New Request > Select "General Inquiry" > (A drop down box will appear) Select Compensation Request/Report > Finish off by filling in all the boxes and make sure to include your video evidence of this happening. You also won't be able to upload the video directly (aka Attach it) so upload it to Youtube then link the Youtube Video and select "Display as a Link" (This will appear as a black box below where you posted the link) when you paste it into the white box where you would post your evidence (The big white box at the bottom of the form). thanks man I'll definitely upload it and submit a ticket using your advice. appreciate it. I was gonna just let it go but figured there was no harm in asking if it's comp-able or not.
  6. Did a weed run the other night and have this all recorded but basically: harvested fully upgraded tempest full of weed, processed it, and as i was driving to drug dealer (roughly 1km away) i turned down an alley and my truck blew up. I lost my full insurance and all the weed in the truck. literally turned into an alley and it just blew up. if I upload the clip would that be eligible to be comp'd for ? I tried searching for comp rules / exceptions but I couldn't find it. then again I never said i was a smart man.
  7. Boys take it easy it's fuckin rona season here simmer her down buds
  8. Didn't reply right away got stuck in some trap someone left for me, whatever got a 24 of beer I'm good.
  9. Not bad an easterner ! Calgary here.
  10. Fuckin eh figured I'd ask. who knew there'd be so many Hades involved in arma 3 altis lol. thanks for the reply boys. Where you from Canada ?
  11. My buddy went on a skin betting rampage for csgo. started with about 200$ and ended up around $20,000. he then proceeded to bet it all one night while we were smoking and he fucking lost it all. like damn thats a down payment for a house and you just kissed it away haha
  12. whisper to buy ?
  13. I'm talking for ghosts of altis not olympus and damn I've tried getting in touch and I saw on the APD recruiting post that a guy named Hades made it and figured it was him. we're from the same city here in Canada which is rare to find
  14. whats your offer for it I'm interested but dunno on my phone what I should offer I'm not at home atm
  15. Is the Hades that's around here the old founder of Ghosts of altis ? that's when I used to really play altis and he was a good buddy of mine and wanted to grab beers but we never did. one day though !
  16. pics ?
  17. Waiting on pic. what are you charging for it ?
  18. Picture and price ?
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