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Everything posted by Glazey-

  2. Kingdom of heaven hello Deadpool
  3. Clearly
  4. Just go kill kavala scats
  5. Mcalovin kisses girls
  6. Drop the mic
  7. This isn’t a play by play from you though
  8. Can we please get a play by play with vid
  9. Did you read the rules? I would look at the server and the APD master hand book.
  10. Glazey-


    Lowering rebel weapon cost could also change the will to fight cartels! Maybe this is a point we should bring up for the sake of the fights?
  11. Glazey-


    You were after my time feelsbadman
  12. Glazey-


    Where’s bb and synergy!!! Feels bad
  13. Glazey-


    This is me talking form two years ago but kulklinski and others were in permed as well at one point.. unless I am mistaken.. but currently Mitch and pardinos and snatch are pretty forgiving even beastwood from what I remember. I only ever hung out with Mitch and snatch when he wasn’t being a captain 24/7 anyways my main point is it was hard to get permed.
  14. Glazey-


    Idk who the admins are on asylum now but it was rare to get a perm... it is very very difficult to get a perm... 2 years ago when I was active on asylum most of my friends were admins or soon to be admins and they unbanned many permed players... after countless talks with them... I imagine it would be the same to this day. Steam call or skype to rip ips?
  15. Live coverage????
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