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Jelly Donut

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Jelly Donut last won the day on August 16

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About Jelly Donut

R&R Medic
APD Officer
  • Birthday 07/25/2002

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  • Olympus Gang
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    Jelly Donut#8067

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  1. Why I was demoted - Okay so I keep getting questions on this and I’m tired of explaining so here it is... I was launching my Arma and I joined server 1 TS for cop and winters sandman and a few POs/Deps were in there and when I joined winters redeployed me and a po and a dep so I move down and no one joined I then decided to join TS server 2 and they explained how it’s been hectic and they need help cause there almost outnumbered 2 to 1 and there’s a pharma happening. So I join there and I’m on for about 5 min u know we’re clapping cheeks and winters joined saying I redeployed u to pyrogos server 1 to keep the cops on each server even. So I say ok be there soon let me just finish. He then leaves without saying anything and I’m like ok I’m cool. After 5 more min I’m pulled into interrogation room with winters himself and I argue for around 10min then sandman comes in and we argue and I’m finally told that I need to get on cop or I will be disciplined. So I go on server 1 but I have a cool down so I end my stream explaining that I’ll be on in a bit and I’m hungry so ima go eat. I come back around 20min later and server 1 now has more cops then server 2 so I decide to go in server 2. I then get see SAPD tags and am pulled in with 4 LTs I believe and then demoted. 

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      “Keep the servers balanced”


      what a meme

    3. Creepy


      Here's a little life advice given to me, that I always passed on to my troops.

      Do what you're told.

      Do what you're told.

      Do what you're motherfuckin told.

      I hope it helps you moving forward!

    4. SPBojo
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