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CHAZ 2.0

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CHAZ 2.0 last won the day on August 2 2020

CHAZ 2.0 had the most liked content!


About CHAZ 2.0

APD Officer
  • Birthday 06/21/2001

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  1. @Bloodsport gonna miss you my guy lost a good one 07
  2. CHAZ 2.0


    Don’t bet don’t wast you money easy
  3. I’ve been online today and I’m starting to return slowly
  4. 07 will be missed
  5. Thank you all for the support and for being here this community is amazing and means so much to me
  6. Just a update for everyone I should be making a return this weekend although I won’t be as active as I used to be. my baby was having breathing issues and was rushed to hospital Because of this my fiancée has quit her job to look after are baby. Also I’m in the stage of getting my uncle to move in to help out look after Hannah as well as I work 45-50 hour weeks. This will be life changing for me as Hannah is currently in hospital and I’m unsure on when we will have her back home I will be returning for a period of time until Hannah comes out of hospital I will be back after this when things are sorted. On top of this due to COVID I’m only allowed to see Hannah during some hours of the day thank you all for being supportive and I miss you all. special thanks too @Courean. @ThatNerdyGuy @Revise @rabid @Kedar @Millennium @SPBojo @Edward @Monks @Ryan All of the SAPD all of SNR Support team members and too everyone who was concerned and worried for me and my family means a lot.
  7. Thanks man appreciate it
  8. Love you too brother much love going through rough times I’ll be back
  9. Thanks man I’ve known you for a long time means a lot just really struggling
  10. Thanks revise means a lot I just hope things will get better Thanks for being really understanding millennium with the LOA and for all the support Love you too brother thanks for the support and help whenever I need it with personal stuff means a lot much love and care let’s. just hope if god is real his watching over my daughter right now like I am Thanks means a lot Thanks for all of the support everyone I’m just hoping I can get through this and come out stronger this is just hitting me really hard and it means a lot too see that people care much love everyone let’s just hope there is a god
  11. Thanks @Ryan really means a lot I will be back when things get better just trying to sort everything
  12. Means a lot I try to be a strong person but I’ve been in tears the last few days and I don’t know what to do I’ll come and talk to you when I’m back if that’s okay thanks @ThatNerdyGuy
  13. Thanks @Monks means a lot I’m not in a good way because of this and I just wanted to let everyone know
  14. I’m sorry that I haven’t been around as much as I used too I have had personal problems which is gonna effect the rest of my life my kid Is having some tests done and it’s not looking too good and I’m just taking a couple of days to sort this I’ll be back soon thought I’d make this incase anyone was wondering where I was.
  15. Really gonna miss you decla can’t believe that your leaving 07 my guy will truest be missed
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