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Jimmy Jarvis

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Posts posted by Jimmy Jarvis

  1. 13 hours ago, Grim Khan said:

    i couldnt care less if you dont know who i am on an arma 3 server you malformed midget, go find some real meaning in your life other than your internet personality you goddam loser

    If you actually believe what you say yourself you're as retarded as I already thought you were 

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  2. 17 minutes ago, Grim Khan said:

    earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up

    earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up

    earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up

    earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up

    earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up

    earlier start time? just stop talking you fuckwit waking up at 9 am on a saturday is good enough for us west coast niggas so just neck yourself k?

    you're not making it by first round of whatever the fuck your playing so idk why it concerns you

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  3. 1 minute ago, drama said:

    Prize will now be $3 million per person for first place. ( @Jimmy Jarvis ). I will adjust the main GW topic when I get home from work today.

    as for streaming, we’ll see. At first thought it sounds terrible to stream every game. We would be able to have multiple fights going at once without streaming. Half the matches are going to be ass. EU players requested it didn’t take too long so they’re not up for an insane amount of time. More people’s routers getting fried if the retards get the satisfaction of seeing it happen on stream. I’m the only one who even wants to consider streaming it (which I don’t even really want to do). We’ll look into it but right now streaming full thing seems awful.

    I'd recommend an earlier start time and then find someone that would be down to cast the entire thing and maybe offer them some money in return cause a lot of gangs probably won't even participate knowing they won't make it to semi's and there games won't be casted or streamed, imo it's part of the fun of gang wars as for the money thing that sounds a lot better 

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  4. Make the cash reward higher, 20 mil between 12 people is nothing also coming from an EU Participant stream every game since it gives other participants something to do while waiting for their game and some of the most entertaining clown fiestas are in these rounds                                                                                                                             

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  5. All the fights are dead on this server because people got banned and then everyone that was left and consistently fought cartels joined one gang so it was literally a zerg of cartel fighters that jerked themselves off for being the best since every good gang had left.

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  6. TI had suggested such a thing before from what we suggested it essentially works a little like the point system on grand theft arma's conflict zone from what the points come from I'm not too sure but whoever is in the top 3 of that list at the end of the week then gets rewards. Would provoke a lot more fights

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