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Metal last won the day on January 29 2020

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About Metal

R&R Medic
Olympus Plus
  • Birthday 02/17/1999

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    Illinois, USA
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  1. Does anyone have an answer to why bohemia made it so creator DLC (Prairie Fire, etc) cannot be put on servers unless all player own the DLC? Why didn't they just use the same shitty overlay effect like they did with beginning dlc of someone doesnt own it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Metal


      @ LULA 2022 - PT 13  But what about the smaller creator dlcs that dont break? Or would that still fall under 3?

    3. Lucien


      Its just a workaround for paid mods, the quality control varies an insane amount especially with the earlier content, and this is just BI’s path to paid mods explicitly not going to be a thing on steam/etc similar to Bethesda’s Creation Club

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @ Metal  It falls under 1 and 3.

      If the new CDLC was added to the base game it would no-shit make Arma 3 163 gb.

      And the licencing issue still exists, BI would have to buy out the rights to the content in the DLC and go from publisher to developer which puts more responsibility on their shoulders and would cost a lot considering the IP owners will lose the profits from the DLC sales.

      It also allows the other CDLCs to possibily sue for breach of contract if the option isn't extended to them or to withdraw from the program if they feel as if BI acted unfairly towards them.

      I too would love to have the content in the base  game, but it's like @ Lucien  said, they're paid mods with BIs blessing to incentivize large overhaul packs and to add content to a game no longer in development. The point is for them to stand alone as neat little side quests and the pricing of $8 largely reflects that.

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