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its wooter

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Everything posted by its wooter

  1. I would reinstall as well, if that doesn’t work, try looking it up under bohemia forums or a video that may tell you how to fix. I hope you get your textures back brother! Good luck
  2. Bad.. I wanked off 20 times already this year and I made a promise that it would only be once a month :/ @6lack
  3. I’m from Jersey too!!!! Aye
  4. How much for thermal EVG
  5. Olympus is 10x better. If you do choose to stay in Olympus, I wish you luck and I’m sure you will love it!
  6. +100 Love the idea
  7. <3
  8. +1
  9. its wooter

    Selling P90

    @ant_T Ill be on in a bit, ill dm you when im online
  10. its wooter

    Selling P90

  11. Lmao, ok bud lol
  12. Sho is awesome! He carried me to a pubg victory. @Sho
  13. Ye, Im dead atm.
  14. Ok, ill meet you at kavala
  15. You online?
  16. @Justi I’ll buy bottom one
  17. 3 mill @Walsh Weep
  18. @MAV Im a fucking down syndrome
  19. They need members because there server is dying. Asylum sucks anyway
  20. Same
  21. Aye!
  22. Vigis are gay I know you know vigis are gay All the people that are voting "yes". Lets get some NonHomo people to vote
  23. I feel like Vigis should not be able to come to Warzone or camp rebel outpots #VigisAreGay
  24. Lmao
  25. Prowlers should come back. Yes or No
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