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Everything posted by Rezurect

  1. i love u to MAV ur a fav to
  2. And rossco is so wonderful to bye baby rossco you cutie
  3. Some of my favorite people include shades gluxdator coffee cornflower mita rexo Jester Plumber Max Jonathan and many more I just can't remember names you'll be missed guys arma used to make my day i loved getting on and playing and im just tired and selling my pc so I guess this is goodbye see you when I see you Rez out o and i cant forget Kats he got me into all this goodbye my friend
  4. Goodbye boys ill miss you all Give rexo sergeant asap please
  5. nice job MAV ill see you when im un permed one day lol

  6. thanks for what you've done Dante
  7. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198830368458/#sort=order
  8. seeya Kurt have a good one my friend
  9. does anyone know when olympus is back up
  10. neither po ide say corp
  11. it should be
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