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Everything posted by Larkerz

  1. this update is so cooked

  2. what is the deal with the ~ run while youre gone.
  3. I did this after I got banned from the oly casino. I can confirm it is not a smart move. I wish to regain all the money I lost
  4. Fuck the APD don't have 10 hours but literally just moved to Italy and got internet, haven't had time to get on put me in I am playing again
  5. rookie numbers get em up
  6. idk if this is real or what time it is for you but im here now so
  7. I have upvoted every post on this thread of yours to offset the dislikes. Hope this helps!
  8. We no longer have a need to search for this man. He retired. I propose a going away party.
  9. gIlaoGS.png

    Winters does behind the scenes stuff when?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hazardous


      Ticket has been looked into and taken care of by the assigned senior since day 1. This has yet to be closed because we are still awaiting conversation between any respective parties involved in the ticket.

    3. -dante-


      i dont get the joke on this one being this one isnt something the Chief would be working on.

    4. Xlax


      barking up the wrong tree

  10. you have the perfect tag to do this. dont ask permission, ask forgiveness and state you were unaware that it was supposed to work only on death
  11. ETA on plinko

  12. what casino does to a mf

  13. nah its bad

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joel


      @ Cale  Oh Ik I ain’t going back there anyway, but it can stay as rigged as it is at-least allow me to lose with dignity to a realistic pull.

    3. Fuzz^


      40m red. it was never about the money.

    4. Larkerz


      I’m 30mil up from 2 days ago. Not rigged enough 

  14. who coded this shit

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      okay 2x DAce is crazy, if your gonna bend us over and fuck us atleast do it properly

    2. Xlax


      easiest thing to do is to blame @ Milo

  15. I guarantee I've robbed your frogs before too
  16. "free" bro doesnt know I dont lose frog
  17. I run frogs. Whoever buys these will be paying the tax
  18. how are admins gonna keep my boy @ EricZ banned for 5 years. bro was 15 and is now 20. Give it up bozos

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @ Toretto Doesn't matter what he sells cause it can't be worse than @ CaloomClark  da who sells Avon.

    3. Toretto


      @ CaloomClark  what’s Avon? You told me you fly fighter jets for the MI:6?

    4. CaloomClark


      yer fucking da sells avon out his caravan you trampy fuck ye @ Grandma Gary

      @ Toretto it's something gary's da sells. pyramid scheme

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