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  1. 07 bud ganna miss all the rp we always do on cop some of the funniest shit ive experienced in this game if u make it to IL in that beast hit me up
  2. def need to try some moon rocks they are delicious and the high is amazing but the batch i had was pretty potent so i only smoked one pure bowl of moon rock then just topped bowls with it mostly which is what i would recommend doing
  3. o7 buddy wish u nothin but the best don't be a stranger and jump in discord from time to time
  4. o7 was always a fun time when u where on and im still at the top of the list with 5 strikes XD wish u all the best man
  5. 300k type 115 taser?
  6. drweeden

    WTS things

    1m for 1 of the striders?
  7. i personally dont have much problem fighting and getting out most of the time if u can kill them then u just go hide for a few let them sweep the area then u have 10mins before they can come back easy money i have more probs with civs then i do cops when it comes to getting my runs interrupted
  8. 300k for that type 115 taser?
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