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Daddy DarK

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Everything posted by Daddy DarK

  1. 3.5
  2. looking to buy a few rpg's with rockets. hit me up with offers
  3. i used it many times lmao
  4. need 3 rpgs and 9 rockets. hit me up with your prices
  5. 4.5m
  6. buying more rpg and shit load of rockets
  7. what do you want for it gamer
  8. 2 at least
  9. shouldve buzzed off
  10. Daddy DarK


    i applied for cop but dont want to take the interview lmao
  11. Daddy DarK


  12. comes with or without rockets??
  13. ill buy if you still got it
  14. Daddy DarK


    looking for a rpg leave your prices in the comments
  15. 300k
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