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Everything posted by BIGZay

  1. Well the time has come and I want to wish everyone a safe New Year and many more to come. I haven't been around from the start to get to know all of you, but I had fun times being around those who I know and ran with in the APD and Rebel life. Those who killed me and I killed in the field of Altis. I love this community and the server, I think I wont ever leave this place til my gaming days are done. I want to thank those who watched my videos on YouTube and the 100+ viewers too! Hopefully I have more in the future, well It's been REAL and fun guys! See you Monday on the servers! Love YA!
  2. Wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    1. BENJI


      Happy new year man!!

  3. Back from PA. Who's ready to get arrested by me?

  4. Can't wait to get back on to be a APD officer again. Still in PA and having a good time with the family, but miss my Olympus Family too!

  5. That reminds me of NYC Taxi drivers best lie ever, when they're in a rush lol You can role with me in the AM with other guys from LOST and MC bro! I love flying, so get your air sick bag ready! I fly HIGH bro!
  6. ARMA 3 download is now finish... Now Downloading Battlefield 4 - 8% of 100%

  7. Just got my ARMA 3 running and now time to get my 2.5 mil back into my account!

  8. Happy Holidays to all and to all a good New Years baby! Olympus Ent. is going to POP OFF IN 2015!

  9. LMAO But on the real though, Admins just don't hop on when you wan them to take care of something that happen to you bro, you have to put in a ticket and video stating your cause bruh. I mean "YOU AIN'T CHRIS SMOOVE BABY!" lmao
  10. Shout out to Deputies UnNamed, Raspatine and Sebastian for holding it down in Kavala on Server 1. We made the city clean today!

    1. Dejay


      UnNamed was doing really good when I played with him earlier also!

  11. This Gang it dope, but some of the guys need to learn rules and roleplay before shooting someone. I been in different situations with them before I came a Cop. Some of your guys need to Roleplay instead of being there not saying shit and then shoot. But overall the ppl I know who's in Burban is dope!
  12. What's good fam! Your boi D.O.G here and starting Jan 6th, 2015 I will be livestreaming on Twitch.tv and posting Highlights on YouTube.com. The games I will be playing are CS:GO Battlefield 4 & Hardline Call of Duty: Advance Warfare (Even though I suck at it) Arma 3: Altis Life, King Of The Hill, Battle Royal and more Tom Claney's Ghost Recon: Phantoms So if you want to chill and join the fun, feel free to hit that FOLLOW button and make sure your game enough BOI! I will check you out in Altis Life! Til then PEACE!
  13. I'm in love with Server 2, DON'T ASK JUST DO! lol

  14. My favorite server of all times, but besides the drama and ppl not following the rules and think they can get away with it. But over all its the best server ever.
  15. I've been a deputy for two weeks and been recording my gameplays, posting them on YouTube for fun, til Snake came to me and interviewed me for the P.O. spot. I was hype and ready for any questions he asked. It do take time and honor to get what you need, but also be patient too. I mean I have experience of being a cop on different servers and being promoted to high ranks in game. So I bring my skills to the table and if the higher ups sees it, then you got the spot. I'm just saying it that don't force out there, let it ride out and your day will come bro. Also roleplay is the key my friend, without that you'll never get what you want
  16. Next pay check I will try to donate $25.00 to my favorite community!

    1. Snake


      Thanks for your contributions man!

    2. Det. Payne
    3. Anarkhiya


      What'll that place you at, $50? The $100 Mohawk is great ;)

  17. I played on this server for about 6 months now, before even joining and being apart of this community or joining the APD. I been having fun playing as a Civ and getting into fights with other Civs. Since I took time off and joined other servers, they don't have nothing towards you guys! I played as a Lt, Cpt, Sgt even was a Chief of Police and EMS. These servers don't have a bad ass Role-play NATION like this server have. I left those server due to lack of gaming from the community and members. Been an Admin and Mod for one server that feel apart due to lack of members and didn't have a bad ass script-writer.....smh. So I left and came back home to Olympus! I mean I never had a cool Sgt, Cpt or Lt that treats each other with respect and still have fun. Seeing people in the AM playing and doing runs, before the SERVER TRUCE is up..... SERVER TRUCE! I never even heard of that before! I mean I never had so much fun being a cop and making hell of a lot of money doing it. Role-playing with Civs and taking bad asses to jail with high as BOUNTY! Damn I mean shiiiiit I'm loving the fun. Since I came back I've decided to make a Youtube channel to create a series and make new friends a long the way. Now since I've been playing as a Cop and got Promoted to Patrol Officer within two weeks of being a Deputy. I never got promoted so fast just by my videos of being a Cop. Thanks to Snake, he's been a cool Kat from the start when he interviewed me and played me like I failed when I passed lol. I got you Snake bro lol. I'm loving the fun and the respect of the community, you guys make my Arma 3 days of playing fun. Now I have a new series of me playing as a Rebel and getting into bad ass fun against other Rebels. Plus another Cop video coming soon, so yeah man I will be doing this til my time of playing Arma is over...... Or not lol. Next year I will be streaming also and having fun doing it with you guys. I hope you guys will come thru and chill with me in the AM. I would love to see you guys there! PEACE! ~D.O.G TheNextGamerBOSS
  18. LMAO! That's funny
  19. Oh ok lol
  20. Bro, I wish you don't make this choice, but if it's what you want by all means take care of yours bro. Olympus will be here whenever you come back, I hope you have a Merry Xmas and New Year Bro!
  21. If your trying to speak piglatin, learn it first before typing it, I speak piglatin and understand it very well. That's way I was like what? lol Iyay ancay elphay youyay eakspay igpay atinlay!
  22. Is this suppose to be piglatin? If so your last word don't make since bro
  23. Uploading new series on Youtube. Hope you guys will enjoy! Coming out in Monday Afternoon! Stay tuned!

  24. Welcome to the Community brother! I'm D.O.G, I play as a Cop for the APD and I also a member of a Clan too. So I hope I see you around and get a good RP going with you one day bro!
  25. I lost my mother 2 years ago and I can't see another person lose theirs. I will try to see what I can do and get my friends to chip in bro, but I pray that your mother will get thru this battle and continue to live on bro (crying in tears while typing). I will ask God to heal her and send you and your family blessing bro. Stay up and continue marching bro!
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