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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Posts posted by Corporal Moob

  1. 1 hour ago, Ludde said:

    You say hard earned in a sarcastic way but you bots were the ones that made it that easy. And yes we wheeled moob off and then you lot had to run down the hill to catch him. Too fast too furious in his speedy mcqueen wheelchair


    Wipe to those below 100, anyone above keep 100

    Is it bad that I know pretty much everyone in this community and you were in my gang and I still don't know who you are.

    1 hour ago, jwilly said:

    nah we ran u off the server


    No, after Being the longest serving most active gang on the server and having the most ever recorded time on the server I take a break for 2/3 weeks while I'm starting college again and we've been "Run off the server" Yeah I suppose you haven't been around long enough but every 7/8 months we usually take a 2/3 week break to try out some other games as I have done.


    Also, Yes, Wipe the points, they've never been reset since they were released, considering for a good few weeks, the addition and subtraction of points were in a test phase and you could either gain or lose retarded amounts of points because there were problems when first implemented, it most definitely should be wiped now that the kinks have been worked out, reset them all, and everyone starts fresh.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Orgondo said:

    Oh absolutely, we bought the Shine Shed instantly because we knew how much money we could make out of it. Tbh the amount we've made from it is absurd but as you said comes risk which we've faced plenty of times. Granted luckily every time our shed has been searched it a ridiculously low amount seized, but that's because we have a system in place to prevent illegals from being in the shed. I wouldn't ever tell a gang not to have a drug shed simply due to our success from ours, however have a system in place or just be ready to accept the loss if it gets raided.


  3. 1 minute ago, Not Mac said:

    Im simply stating facts im not "butt sore" at all. You implied that you have searched the shed many times and then went on to say you can make tons of money doing so, And im implying that you can search the shed as much as you want but you wont get any money out of it as long as its done properly. There is nothing wrong with having a drug gang shed its all about how you use it. But you can take it however you feel i could careless tbh

    Well here's a fact. I've searched your gang shed 6+ times and here's another fact, you CAN make millions of dollar from searching them. You just assumed that I was saying I've made millions from searching your gang shed, and believed that I was saying it to "Wave my dong around" or something. Buttsore.

    Now I've had to explain this I look like a cock end.


    Remember kids, don't ASSUME Because assuming makes an ASS out of and Me

  4. 20 minutes ago, Not Mac said:

    I cant tell you how many times its been searched by Sr APD and they have gotten less than 20k because we only store ingredient's. Yes there is a rare occasion where shine is stored in there but its only temporary, That's something we learned very quickly was to not store drugs because it will get camped and searched. Terrible example to use Tree

    I'm talking about searching, the quantity of times, not necessarily the reward from it.

    Don't get buttsore because I'm stating a fact.

    • Like 1
  5. Well tbh, this is why I didn't buy a drug gang shed, a lot of cops are money whores, There's no ifs/buts/coconuts about it. what could possibly provide the most money when you're in-game? Searching a full gang shed. So of course cops are going to do it.

    That's why ours is pretty much a spawn point and that's it, some bare minimum gear and that's it. It gets searched? No big whoop.

    Prime - Doesn't have a drug gang shed

    MC - Doesn't have a drug gang shed

    Trident - Doesn't have a drug gang shed.

    For all the time played, I only remember Trident having their gang shed searched ONCE and it was only because there was active fighting in and around the warzone and GOAT and myself searched it. There was nothing to take but a singular titan. 

    You look at TREE for example, They have a drug gang shed, I've lost count as to how many times that it's been searched by JUST me personally. There are countless other searches by Sr. APD members, you can get a SHIT load of money from using a gang shed for drugs, therefore there should be a SHIT load of risk involved. Remember, your gang shed is only as safe as your stupidest member. 

    Let's not forget, Luke Duke used to sit with Rangefinders 200m/300m away watching Gang Sheds. It's not even close to as bad as it used to be.

    • Like 7
  6. 57 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

    Rebels have won the majority of real Blackwaters as of late. This was a move to give the fair mentality. 

    Trust me, Moob is a civ rep. He would have blown this up if he thought it was beyond detrimental. 

    You couldn't be more wrong.

    I've kept quite quiet about it, but this change is awful.

    Down right A W F U L

    Since I joined the APD a long time ago things have become 100x more lax as it is. Lethals are easy to get to, Red tape on Ghosthawks have been cut down to a minimum. More seniors, more officers, not all of these changes are a bad thing. However, this is just ANOTHER unnecessary change for cops to win. What time of the day IRL should not dictate when I can and cannot do a Federal Reserve / Blackwater, so now the only hope rebels had to win a federal event is to hope that it takes the cops forever to get there, and take 5/6 minutes to get there. so by the time the bomb blows, they might get 4/5 Lethal waves in, however with the ability to tac respawn that means the first waves are going to be coming at 19 minutes, that's another 2/3 lethal waves.

    if you try and tell me Rebels win the majority of blackwaters, I will laugh in your fucking face.

    I asked for the Blackwater to be more balanced for civs since blackwaters are ridiculously cop sided. So what gets done? Take out big tower, Take out south east Small tower. Adds in some sandbags around there 2 southern corners which have no real effect, considering one of the sets of sandbags is now utterly redundant since the tower they were put in for was taken out.

    It's stuff like this that are making people do Blackwaters less and less and why I have no urge to waste my time doing one.


    Edit: I've done 7 Blackwaters on cop. I've won 6 of them. The only 1 I didn't I logged in with 2 minutes on the bomb.

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