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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Posts posted by Corporal Moob

  1. 32 minutes ago, Canada said:

    Fuck yes no doubt. It would be fresh asf imagine all the cartel fights because people want the money in gang funds, due to the increased amount of runs since everyone will be dumping money into buying moonshine, meth housea and doing runs.

    Fuck it. People would even put the money down to upgrade the servers. I don't fucking know how but I've seen Altis life servers, running 125 to 150 slots. Get the community a quote on the price, put up another poll, and let's make all 3 olympus servers more wild with the increased server population. We're already way fucking better then asylum so let's set us apart from those retards even more, and make the community even more extraordinary.

    I was baked as fuck when i wrote this FYI apologies. 

    Just remember. Life can be twice as long and half as bright, or twice as bright and half as long.

    Wise words of the great Canadian pothead.

    You smoke about as much pot as this guy.


  2. I'm telling ya's it would be a mighty Plus. 

    The way to probably do it with Maximum impact would be

    • To reduce Slot size of Server 1 / Server 2 from 111, to 100 and make server 3 100 so all three servers Would be 100 Slot capacity.
    • This would help (A little, not massively) with the server performance on 1 and 2 which has degraded recently
    • Summertime = Noobs noobs noobs
    • More people = More people.
    • Different opportunities for different gangs to spring up.
    • Like 6
  3. After messaging her personally last night, I feel appropriate to post something here.

    This is extremely saddening. I did not think it would come to this, and it's unfortunate that you have to go when you did, You had earned the respect of myself, and many others. Not just that, but our friendship.

    I'll keep it brief here, but this is exactly why people who are purposefully toxic for no reason, should be removed from the community, WITHOUT question.

    • Like 7
  4. 8 minutes ago, Fat Clemenza said:

    MFW Will's in MC, is a friend of Moob & I and was our friend when we were Chiefs of Police and still didn't get promoted beyond Corporal. That blows the narrative open, doesn't it?


    As for getting promoted? At least in my experience, you have work hard and be in the right place at the right time. 


  5. 4 minutes ago, Willski said:

    No but all it takes is one person from MC to get a senior position from grinding and then he plays with all his friends and thinks they are good enough to be promoted so he recommends them. They figured they are good cops from playing with them a lot though and if they play with their friends and their friends are also in the same gang. Im not saying MC got special treatment it's just friends play with other friends therefore friends got promoted more often. 

    What are you talking about? There were literally people in the gang that we held off promotions on because we wanted to avoid this whole MCPD bullshit people came off with. Simple fact of it was, we had the longest serving and most experienced cops in the gang. all over the october+ 2014 join dates. Besides there were rigorous processes in place to ensure this could be avoided. It wasn't just a case of "Oh I like him, lets give him corporal" or "Oh I like him, lets give him sergeant" There were meetings/discussions, paperwork to fill out and then had to be looked at by other seniors who weren't in the same gang as you.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Willski said:

    That's why MCPD was a thing. If you were MC you played with other MC members on cop and therefore all of MC got promoted because Sr. APD members that were MC recommend other MC members because they played with them and knew they were good cops. 


    4 minutes ago, Willski said:

    That's why MCPD was a thing. If you were MC you played with other MC members on cop and therefore all of MC got promoted because Sr. APD members that were MC recommend other MC members because they played with them and knew they were good cops. 

    How did we get to Sr. Positions? Did the Sr. APD at the time like us or something? Nope, furthest thing from it.

    • Like 5
  7. 2 hours ago, Muthinator said:

    So its already a huge pain in the ass to catch people.  Now you want to make it easier to get your people back?  Seriously, its a part of the game and its a police HQ.  You cannot win every single engagement... 

    Well, unfortunately Rebel Outposts are able to be continuously raided by APD as well as Cartels (With the appropriate pre-requisites of course)  and sure as shit I'd rather attack a rebel on cop rather than attack an HQ on Civ. I had Plumber who had 6 cops with him hold off 17 people at Air HQ. 30 second respawn times, randomized spawning and 1 tap tazers make an HQ a fortress.

    Lets just say over the last 2/3 months I've probably had 2 out of 25 engagements at an HQ go even somewhat successfully. The best way to get somebody out of HQ is to sneak them out, and to be honest, if you come up against 2 cops that got more than 3 answers right on their deputy test, they'll have more than enough capability to snuff that out real quick.


    It's not that people are complaining about not being to win EVERY engagement, because you shouldn't and can't, but your response is really overlooking the fact that you basically CAN'T win an engagement at HQ with more than 3 capable cops.


    Edit: The best offensive tactic at an HQ was just to taze cops, restrain them so they can't actually die to respawn. But now that's basically out the window if you need 3 civs.

    • Like 7
  8. 1 hour ago, Fresh Kiwi Juice said:

    Olympus has been up for 3+ years.. You joined the Forums in 2014 just like me.... 

    its 2017 now my dude.



    I'm not even going to bother. May 2014 the server came up in.

    It is not May 2017 yet. 

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