I have a crystal, heroin, cocaine, and moonshine robbing house. When you respawn, it tells you whenever people are processing. I fill it with protectors and lockpicks and made back what I paid for the houses in one day. All houses are house add ons so not very good for storing but can hold some stuff. Open to any offers down below.
Crystal Meth: https://gyazo.com/dac1eb27ad1abca3e5f27ed18a12295c
Cocaine: https://gyazo.com/a7d777c9b03fe290509add7ee240dd1e
Heroin: https://gyazo.com/bf6b669bae85a050fd50542fc4422b0d
Moonshine: https://gyazo.com/c8296a78f4168939edb2fa169dee1aa9