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Everything posted by Tman15tmb

  1. Olympus is mostly a friendly server with a great community. Occasionally people will break the rules like any other server but the admins try there best to weed out the bad apples. Just keep in mind some days you might make money and some days you might lose money. It's all part of the experience;)
  2. That's awesome! Good luck man!
  3. Cool, that's what I was thinking but I wasn't to sure. Thank you
  4. Is there a certain time of the day to take the constable test? How long do you have to be a cadet before you can take the constable test? Are the questions similar or different than the first Apd interview? What does the constable test entail? Is it true if you fail the constable test twice you get black listed or is that just a rumor?
  5. I did what I was taught to do. I noticed you were wanted, asked you to get off your atv at least three times before shooting out your tires then downing you. I then pulled you off your vehicle restrained you and let you explain your side of what happened at least twice. At this time I asked you if you texted the police because you had a vehicular manslaughter. You said no, so I gave you your ticket and then I released you. I have been downed on my atv plenty of times in this game and not once have I had the audacity to yell in someone's face about it. That was not an admin trying to back me up that was a normal player who believed I handled the situation in the right way. Maybe you couldn't hear me because your atv was running or there was to much talking in Kavala square? I honestly have no clue. I'm also not sure how ejecting came about? It had nothing to do with why I downed you.
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