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Jagen Heie [88]

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Everything posted by Jagen Heie [88]

  1. was in 5th grade. happened during my lunch. I remember all the teachers coming and saying classes were cancelled for the rest of the day and taking us back to our classrooms. at first we were all happy. no more classes today. then we found out that recess was cancelled as well. then we were upset. we had this old box tv in one of the corners hanging on the wall and they had the news on. most of us didnt get it for awhile what was actually happening. once we did... it just wasnt believable.
  2. so first thing learn basic sentence structure and punctuation. second thing to learn is that everyone is either an asshole or a bastard and their opinion doesnt matter in the slightest. after you do those two things, nothing anyone says or does to you or around you on arma will get you angry
  3. figured the first comment would have been there is no attempted rdm. but you know im at work at 3 am gotta do something to stay awake
  4. was on facebook and some post talking about han shooting at darth vader. and had the in my thoughts funny idea Han got banned for attempting to RDM
  5. two chickens and half a goat
  6. Yeah, seems to be everyone's problem with me. Sorry, I write how I write, It's one big run on sentence. Guess what, this isn't English class, and last time I checked I am not writing a fucking essay. I mean, am I lying? Nothing happened to you for abusing your Corp power when i made a comment about your friend right? Because you don't use your power to defend your friend when a simple, "Hey Homicide, shes not here to defend herself, mind not making those comments around me?" I would've said "Yea, I respect it." You did the opposite. Am I right or wrong? Its cool though. It was a few months back, so its on the back burner. @LiL J here some more run on sentences. Seeing from the last one u understood me, because you responded. If not there's plenty of people on Olympus that are fluent in the language of Homicide. I did my best, but Jesus Christ. I did less editing in English class.
  7. i mean if youre worried about time in server as urely a number its not hard to get those numbers pumped up. not that id recommend doing somethign unerhanded like that. not at all
  8. my ears are bleeding
  9. taze her then zip ties and blindfold. remember to take her coms and gps from her. just have to finish before 15 minutes
  10. whats weird is on my screen i saw him whip the car in front of the other ifrit and get out before getting hit
  11. hahahahahahahahahaha. right but for real if its just for a claim why would you bother putting the intro and outro on there anyway
  12. initially my buddy was given a 3 day ban. but after he talked with the guy and gave his perspective on the situation it was amended to the one day he had been banned and he was allowed back in. so it can be really finicky sometimes.
  13. yeah, like you went out of your way to hit the chopper lol. cool vid though
  14. heres a good one is it vdm or not vdm
  15. agreed. though the guy basically admits that he did it on purpose so.. id say its clear vdm at that point
  16. it would also stop the aggravation that is 2 people yelling at you to bet with them
  17. see rule 4 for what i was referring to
  18. Chapter 2: No Vehicular Manslaughter [VDM] Hide contents Do not use vehicles to run over player unless it is an absolute last resort (Life or Death) Players can not kill another player that has been downed by a vehicle. Do not ram other vehicles for no reason. If your intention is to collide with another vehicle for whatever reason (To pit, disable, immobilize, troll, etc.) that's fine. However, if you collide with a vehicle on purpose and because of the collision there is an explosion/death, then you may be found accountable and may be banned. You initiate these maneuvers at your own risk. Do not use a helicopter to ram another helicopter, ground unit or vehicle. Rotor tapping vehicles is something you do at your peril. If the victim of a rotor tap explodes, you may be subject to a ban for VDM. If they don't explode, good job. You did it right.
  19. in any situation where you blow up the other vehicle it becomes vdm
  20. now i feel like its been a complete arma experience
  21. ok thanks for the info. now for the obligatory scrub comments
  22. Still new to the server. my buddy has a house now and we know how to give the temporary keys . I saw in a post people talking about permanent house keys and was wondering if someone could explain how you give permanent keys.
  23. in my week of playing ive learned how to get along with the other members. stay out of kevala, hate on apd, join apd, loathe vigi's with a fury that could blot out a thousand suns, actually play vigi and just rob everyone,
  24. Hi im Jagen a couple of friends got me into the game recently. not really a huge fan of the genre but its been kinda fun just spending time with my friends who are in a different state. so far ive met several cool people and a few true a-holes. kinda par for the course in a game like this. anyway see you in game
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