Quitting arma so selling everything for cheap:
dp17 house best offer (4 crater)
kavala house right by hospital best offer (4 crater)
dp22 house best offer (4 crater)
dp3 server 2 house 2 crater 500k
spar 16 tazer 80k
l10 pilot coveralls 100k each
5mx tazers 80k each
1 45 pistol 10k
1 type 115 150k
2 spar 16s 350k
gave most my warpoints away but have like 10-15 left if anyone wants them doubt it tho sell them for like 8k a war point
also have like normal gear in the houses if anyone wants mk1s and shit for 10k lolol
also might have 2 more houses idk prolly lost them due to me not playing no more
i dont think they need to be removed but i noticed some vigi gangs getting smart and camping wz rebel and waiting for big bounties to come in alone so if anything vigis shouldnt be allowed to come into war zone at all ruins the fights
ill sell u both mx tazers for 450 but i got a offer for 13m on at offroad so gonna have to beat that and mar 10 is sold
offer on type 115 and how many pilot coveralls u want
lethals sold