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About 555555555

  • Birthday 01/29/1999

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  1. lowkey, how does one move on? I know there are some older people that surely could say a thing or two, It's been nearly 4 months since my ex-wife took our daughter and left to live with her parents and I still can't sleep at night type shit while she's moved on long ago which is so sad

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    2. Noble


      @ xanx  "fighting" for the kid could go sideways and often does. You cant seem like you are trying to take the kid away from anyway because you will always be bad mouthed behind your back and the kid will get pulled into thinking your trying to selfishly rip them away from their other family. Be supportive make on time payments always offer a hand out and dont get involved with the mom or moms family. Send texts on holidays learn their interests and send them cool stuff you think they would like. I cant stress it enough that if you listen to some above and fight for your kid it could backfire and often does. Unless that is your ex wife will fail at raising the kid in that case fight like hell. be present but not dividing, make sure to really go above and beyond during 15+ years. Parents had a similar situation I was full custody with mother and am still very thankful for what my father has done to support me and am now closer then ever with him. Best of Luck

    3. 555555555


      @ Noble Yeah, the best move would be to stay away from baby mama and her family since, ever since we got together her family disliked me because of my past and because of the fact im nearly fully tattoed, but she's acting the same way now, we're currently in the divorce process and she's already given herself the audacity to block me everywhere and not answer my calls when I want to come and spend some time with the child, so until the court gives me a set hours and days when I get to spend time with the child, there's nothing I can do, so you can already see, the situation is as bad as it can be...

    4. buckie


      got to recover yourself. Use ur kid as motivation, build the future you want for your child, pain is temporary.  

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