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Everything posted by Thinbluline

  2. VIVA los titan revolution!
  3. Anytime man XD!
  4. are lambo's going to be added and a bright red dodge viper ? LOL ! Someday maybe
  5. We need a court house and some prosecutors lol. We need a court house and a prosecutor also lol to defend the side of the law!
  6. I really like the map and I am excited for this new big map update to come! Dont know when though just heard rumors of it being tested out.
  7. Do you even lift bro!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DeathDingo


      ....and I have seen sooooo many BIG STRONG weight lifters that are 2-3 times bigger and stronger than the person who put them down fall and hit the ground quicker than shit mate lol. So being strong means nothing unless you have the proper training to fight and have proper cardio to be able to fight for more than 20-30 seconds. A fight on a show is 100 times harder than training and sparring. I had no idea how hard it is until I did it here a few years ago for the first time. I love combat s...

    3. Thinbluline


      Defensive Tactics Trainer , Law enforcement combat specialist, Military police combat trained, martial arts, S.W.A.T/ C.E.R.T training also think im set :P.

    4. Thinbluline


      and I train MMA also.

  8. Once you cross the Blu line theres no going BACK!

  9. Go Ahead and run, Your only going to goto jail tired! ;)

    1. ALF Goove
    2. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      I dont know i ran from the police and got away more times than I can count.

    3. ToeKnee
  10. You dont mess with The blue line AKA the Law Himself! JUST remember: Evade arrest and youll get to ride the lightning express

    1. PoLaRBe4r



    2. Thinbluline


      P.I.G = Pride Integrity Guts!X!X!

  11. So grateful for the promotion! excited to expand my skillset to the new cadets/deputy's and serve the community of Arma.

  12. WORKING THE STREETS TO GAIN MY RANKs and help the citizens of ARMA

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